a nameless girl

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the stars shine

twinkling smugly

people notice them

they're pretty


they don't notice me

i am simply a 

nameless girl 

made of stars and sky

i blend in

i'm invisible

against black skies

why would they notice 


i'm just

a stardust girl

a nameless girl


against the splendor 

shining around me 

no one would notice 

a girl like me

a nameless




why would they

i'm not pretty

not smart

not good enough

i don't have

a name

i don't have 

a voice

i am truly invisible 

no one sees me 

shining up above 

in the stars and sky

i am made of

i am nameless




then i met


and i was 

nameless for

so long 

but you pulled me

out of the sheen of the other stars 

so that i could shine


and you saw me

you gave me

a name at last

you saw me 

for who i was

and i was invisible 

no longer

but still

you did not 

love me

and i so yearned

for that comforting 

love from another

and so

i reached out

i reached out

my starry hand 

into the sky

towards you 

and you

saw me truly

for a moment

you loved me 

for a moment

you named me

for a moment 

you made me visible 

for a moment

my hopes

soared up

to the moon

but it was 

for a moment

just one moment

and then




you faded

i faded

back into 

the sky

and i yearned

for your love

now more than ever

but no

you did not

see me 

i was not

visible amongst

the other stars

i was nameless 

yet again

i was invisible 

yet again

i was ignored 

yet again

and yet

you did 

not return

for me  

hey everyone! i hope you enjoy this poem! i wrote it a week ago, but didn't have a chance to post it until now. please don't forget to comment, vote, and share. love you all!

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