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"Mommy! Mommy!"

Elaine glanced down at the two little girls clinging to her legs.

"Yes honey," Elaine answered as she smiled down at the troublesome pair.

"Mommy, we're hungry," one of them cried. She was wearing a pink poka dot dress with her red hair pulled into pigtails.

"Yes yes! I wanna samwitch," cried the youngest, fumbling over her words. She was only four years old. She was wearing a yellow poka dot dress with her hair in braids.

Elaine smiled.

"Ok, what would you like to eat kimmy?" She asked as she looked towards the little girl with pigtails.

"Mac and cheese!" She nearly shouted.

"Alright baby! Lisa! I'll make your sandwich also. Now you girls go find your daddy as I make some lunch. Yea?"

The two girls nodded their heads enthusiastically and sprinted off down the hallway giggling.

Elaine's heart sighed. She watched and smiled as her two daughters ran to look for her husband.

They had come a long way from that dreadful night in the warehouse.

Elaine winced as she remembered. David had been shot in the chest puncturing his left lung. Miraculously, the police and ambulance showed up not five minutes after Elaine reached David.

Supposedly, David had been released from the station when he found out Elaine had been taken. Mel was with him when he discovered it was Aaron. Apparently David had mentioned an old warehouse Marie and Aaron used to play in when they were little. Amazingly it was David's first guess to go where Elaine was.

After the dreadfully long hours in the hospital, David had been given medical attention and recovered. The police then investigated in which Elaine and David both told the whole story.

They told the police that Aaron had been released from prison by his brother who was no other than Roger, the man who traveled into town with Elaine's ex, Marcus, and their friend Mike. They told the police about Aaron and Rogers scheme to take control of David's deed to his property.

In doing so, people were killed. Roger had visited Missy, knowing she had once been connected to David. He asked about the deed. When he didn't get any answers, he raped and killed her. Rico had also been killed. His job was to toss Elaine around roughly in which he had, but he didn't ask about the deed, leading to his downfall.

Elaine and David both testified that David only beat Rico when he found him. Aaron and Roger had found Rico after David had left, finishing the job. Coincidentally with the same gun Jeff and Cole were looking for, clearing David of any suspicion.

They also reported Mike and Marcus's murder. Elaine flinch physically and emotionally after testifying. She still did when she thought about it.

In the end Aaron and Roger were both killed but Elaine and David were safe.

Walking back into the kitchen Elaine brushed off the memory and focused on cooking her baby's food.

Kimberly Jessica Thorne was her six year old daughter whom had asked for Mac and cheese.

Lisa Marie Thorne was her four year old daughter who wanted the sandwich.

Elaine smiled. She thought about the time after the drama simmered down. The town calmed after the murder mystery had been solved. Elaine had officially moved in and gotten a job in town.

Believe it of not, but she decided to write their story. About the evil men, the love triangle, and the quirky people in town. After she published it, it became a hit. It was a best seller. After that, Elaine began writing. She loved it.

She glanced at the clock above the mantle. 11:30. Time for lunch!

She was about to grab a pot for the pasta when she glanced at the mantle. There on the top sat a picture frame of Elaine and David dancing. It was their wedding day. He had just twirled her and gave her a swoop. The picture froze there with her laughing happily into into the crowd, and David staring at her with the most loving eyes.

What really melted her heart was the inscription at the bottom of the frame. "For all the times you think I'm not looking. I always am. I love you." ~David.

Elaine eyes began to water. They did every time she read it. She was unbelievably happy. She felt the warmth and love poor from their house. Hmm. Their house. Yes.

She focused back on the cooking when a pair of rock hard arms surrounded her, bring her against a warm hard chest.

Warm lips whispered in her ear, melting her insides.

"Honey. What are you making?"
Elaine slowly shifted in his arms to face him.

"The girls wanted some lunch, so I'm making mac and cheese, and a sandwich," she smiled.

David leaned down and tenderly planted his lips against hers.

"You know I'm hungry too," he murmured against her lips.

Elaine groaned. "What would you like Mr. Thorne," she teased.

David chuckled sexily. "I would love, Mrs. Thorne if we put the kids down for a nap. Then I could eat."

Elaine raised her eyebrow seductivly.

"Oh yea," David breathed huskily.

Elaine was about to comment when loud giggles and shrieks made their way into the kitchen.

"Daddy daddy," Lisa yelled.

David huffed out a sigh, smiling, as he reached down and picked her up. She yelped excitedly.

"What my little munchkin! What?"

"We saw a frog!" She yelled as her eyes bugged out. Her hands were shaking back and forth as she yelled.

"Oh yes," cried Kim. "It was slimy and green. It rabbeted!!" Elaine giggled. Too cute.

David chuckled as well. "Well let's go see it!" He placed Lisa down then made a silly face.

"I'm gunna hop until I get you! Run!" And with that, Elaine watched histerically as her husband got down and started hopping after the girls. They shrieked and laughed as they ran away. As soon as they turned the corner David. Stood up and walked into the kitchen. He walked up to a laughing Elaine and planted a kiss to her lips.

"I'll be back my love." He then winked and walked off to meet the girls.

Elaine smiled again. She walked David walk away.

She was finally there.

She was finally home.

Wow. Thank you to everyone who read this story! I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.

I'm sad to see it end, but I'm glad to start something new!

You readers are so awesome!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, for giving this book a chance!

I apologize for any grammar or punctuation errors it is not edited. I'm also sorry if this book was confusing in any way! It was my first.

Please continue to comment and give me feedback! I would love to hear from you!

I should be writing something new here soon so, look forward to it(;

Comment, vote, and follow me!❤️

Ta ta darlings,

Ms. Roxanne.

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