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My goodness! He's back ladies and gents! Relax, we can all breath easy now... Or can we?(;

I was not joking when I said I'll be updating often! And I know I've already updated once today, but I just can't help it!!!

I'm super excited to wrap things up. I have several new ideas I'd like to throw your way!(;

Please comment! Feedback is needed! TALK TO ME PEOPLE!

Thanks for reading!❤️

And as always...

Ta at darlings,

Ms. Roxanne.
Elaine swallowed the sob rising in her throat. The knot in her stomach finally, disappeared, and for the first time in three days, she breathed easy.

She could hear him walk toward her. She turned around and took all of him in.

He looked how she felt. His clothes were ragged and worn. His hair was tousled and his facial hair had grown. He looked tired and mentally drained. His face seemed to carry a permanent frown as he looked upon hers.

"Your crying," he stated almost questioningly.

Elaine sucked in a breath. Really? Hell no! With all her pent up frustration and worry Elaine gathered all her fury and anguish for the last few days and threw it towards him.

She yelled loud enough to be heard across the lake. "Of course I'm crying you idiot!"

David made a move to step toward her but was stopped in his tracks when a hand flew out and slapped him hard across the face.

"Where the hell have you been!" Elaine screeched.

And before David could even utter a word Elaine roared, " I've been out of that hospital for three days!" She threw her hand out in the direction she guessed was the hospital. " I've been couped up in that house," she threw her hand and pointed toward their house up the hill, " and I've been alone, scared, and worried frickin' sick about you!" She ended on a sob.

David tried to move toward her again but was haulted once more by a screaming Elaine.

"I don't know what came over you! But I needed you! And you weren't there! I've had Jeff, Cole, and every other bleeding officer out looking for you in this frickin' town!" Elaine was breathing hard now. She had to get it all out.

"I haven't heard from you since! No call! No message! Nothing!" Tears were streaming down her face.

"I moved to wolf creek to be with you David! To live with you! I've accepted this town, your friends, whom I've come to love! I've quit my job! I've uprooted to be here! Where were you!"


"Stop! Please I'm far from done!" Elaine took a breath. I've fallen in love with this town! I've made friends here I plan on keeping for life! I've finally found a place I think I belong! It's a place that feels right! Being here with you feels right! Everything here is what I want! I'm home David! Home! You don't understand! I've moved everywhere and nothing has even touched what this place is like!"


But Elaine kept going. "I've learned about Ray, how she wants to be a school teacher, about Chrissy, and her dead husband james. Deena and Tyler are engaged, and I couldn't be happier for them. Cole and Ray have started to see each other, which I am more than ecstatic about! Hell Rod and Darla should just marry already! I've seen my ex, Marcus in town, at Darla's actually."

"The fuck? When were you planning on tellin-

"And I learned that night what it means to be me. To stand up for what I WANT. I learned that Marcus was some stupid boy, who didn't know how to treat me right! I learned what a man was, and how your that man for me. You treat me right and care for me. You ruin me for others, you destroy my world, and you wreck me beyond repair David."

David's gaze changed into something else as he stared at her.

In the moment, Elaine was so caught up in telling David how she felt, she forgot to watch what she was saying.

"I've learned to accept and forgive here. I've seen James and Chrissy when they were in love. And it was beautiful. I even saw the beautiful photo of you and Marie! And it was beautiful! So beautiful. Still is. I've accepted it. All of it! Because I want to be with you. I want all of you. You and me all day, everyday. I want to be here David . But only if you want me here as well."

When Elaine looked up, she noticed her mistake. The look on David's face tore through her and filled her with horror. Her blood ran cold. What the hell had she just said?

"You know about Marie," he breathed out. It was a statement and not a question.

"David," was all she could manage.

"How long?"

Elaine struggled for words. What could she say. She'd known for almost five days now.

David erupted. "How long Damn it!"

Elaine flinched. " Awhile," she whispered.

"You've known. For awhile now?" David said disbelievingly.

"Yes but it-

"You've known. For awhile and you haven't said a word."

Elaine froze. "What?"

"You've known and you haven't asked. You haven't even mentioned it."

"David I didn't want-

"Save it Elaine. You've known about Marie this whole time. So you know what I've been going through?"

"Um, David I.." She stuttered.

"Figures. All my past being brought up the same week I've fallen in love with another women." Elaine froze again.


"So you know why I freaked when Aaron was released. Why I disappeared after hearing Rico beat you?"

Elaine, still caught up with what he had previously said repeated, "what?"

"Elaine. Marie was killed in a car accident. Along with Jessica." His voice broke. Jessica? Who was Jessica?


"So you don't know."

"David. I'm sorry you lost Marie. Truly. Who's Jessica?"

David stared at Elaine for a long time before he spoke.

"Elaine. Jessica was my four year old daughter."


Sorry to leave ya hanging ladies and gents, but we have to wait to find out more!

I know, boo! Sorry it's such a short chapter, however, this was a really good stopping point. So, sorry, not sorry!(; hehe

Stay tuned for more in Elaine and David's whirlwind affair!

Once again, thanks for reading❤️

Ta ta darlings,

Ms. Roxanne

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