Rescue and Redemption.

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The rancid smell of decaying flesh hit Elaine's nostrils making her gag. Mike's dead body had not been moved since he was killed( 13 hours ago). She had been chained up in what looked like an old warehouse. The place was filthy there were cobwebs and dust everywhere.

Elaine's wrists were almost raw from her thrashing. She needed to escape and fast. She had heard Aaron and Roger conspiring against David. She needed to warn him before it was too late.

The two men walked back inside toward her.

"Well puppet, I think it's time we go and visit David," Aaron smiled evilly.

Elaine swallowed. "Please! No. Leave us alone. You've already taken everything from him!"

"Almost everything," Roger smirked. Elaine began shaking again.

"Unchain her so we can get going," Aaron muttered toward Roger.

As soon as Roger reached her she began thrashing, ignoring the sharp stings radiating off her wrists.

"Stop it bitch," Roger snarled.

Elaine ignored him. He unchained her and started dragging her towards the door.

Reality set in. Elaine was unchained. With everything she had, she threw her hands downward breaking the hold Roger had on her. She then slammed her head back, colliding with Rogers face. He flew back and clutched his nose with a howl.

Elaine tried to drown out the pain she felt in her head. She ran blindly in the warehouse in swath of an exit.

"Fucking bitch," Roger roar.

"Don't let her get away asshole! Go get her," Aaron shouted.

Her blood roared as her heart beat a million miles a minute. She turned corners and ran around old machines. If she couldn't find an exit soon, she have to hide. She heard footsteps repeatedly hit the ground toward her.

With a yelp, Elaine ducked and hide behind an old tractor, tucked down and hidden under a tarp. She could slightly see under the tarp toward the ground.

She held her breath as she waited, keeping as quiet as she could.

"Alright Elaine! I'm fucking den with your little games," Roger yelled out. She still remained silent.

"You were afraid of me getting a hold of you then! Ha! Just wait until I get ahold of you now!" Elaine swallowed harshly.

She felt As if she was breathing to loud. He's going to know! He'll find me! Elaine be quiet!

"This reminds me of Missy. The way she felt before she died. Scarred, alone, in pain. Of course, I raped her first."

She closed her eyes and swallowed. He had killed missy. Brutally.She tried to keep from trembling when she saw a shoe walk slowly by the tarp and stop.

"You know, I was gunna rape you. Now I'm just gunna kill you." Elaine swallowed the sob rising in her throat.

The shoes began to walk slowly by.

"C'mon out and play Lanie. No one here to save you now." Elaine slowly let out the breath she had been holding.

The shoes stopped suddenly. Dread filled Elaine's belly. Her blood ran cold. No!

The tarp was then ripped off of her and a pair of hands grabbed her roughly.

She screamed. "No! Help! Please stop!" She began sobbing when Roger dragged her out of her hiding place by her hair. He threw her out onto the ground as he snarled,

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