Chapter 13

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The last few days have been pretty normal and Virgil hadn't made anymore escape attempts however his plans not changed, there was 2 days left till the week ran out and Virgil would no longer be able to go back to the others and spare his new room mates any pain because of his mistakes.

So here he was no waiting for the tell tale said that Roman had come back from his Night my patrol, he was not making that mistake again, the next problem was the locked door but the hero seemed to forget that Virgil was a villian and a locked door wouldn't do much to stop him.

Virgil had spent the last few days scouring the apartment for hairpins which I had managed to find after asking Patton which lead to him asking if he could do his hair, virgil couldn't say no to that smile and allowed it and snook a hair pin back to his 'room' again.

Virgil grabbed his villain uniform and the it on leaving the clothes he had been borrowing from the others for a while now on the floor as he slipped on his mask and for the first time in a while felt comfortable in his old persona.

Using the hairpin Anxiety moved to pick the lock as quietly as possible as to not to alert the others to his escape, once the lock was picked he moved quietly thought the apartment. Normally if Anxiety was trying to sneak thought somewhere he would use his powers to cover himself in shadows to hide his presence but with the power DE amplifier on his wrists he had no chance of using them.

He quickly made his way to the front door and snook out and made his way out of the apartment building and towards his home.

He travelled through the sander's city till he eventually made it home and cautiously knocked on the door and waited a solid 2 minuets only to for it to open and be greeted by none other then Deceit himself "Well well look who didn't decided to come home"
Anxiety didn't bother to answer but instead bowed his head as a sign of submission as Deceit let him in.

Deceit lead him into the ground room where Intrusive was sat throwing a ball up and down in the air, why they were in costume Anxiety didn't know but decided now was not the time to ask so instead he tool off his own mask and the other followed suit as Deceit and Intrusive turned towards him.

"So Virgey what brings you here?" Asked Remus as he gave Virgil a sinister looking grin "You guys gave me a week to head back home or you would hurt the heroes so I came back, are you happy now" he asked sacracstialy which only seemed to make then angry.

"Virgil I would advise you check your turn but for now why don't you head upstairs and we can talk about this later" Virgil knew a command when he heard one and he didn't really want to face the end of Janus's anger now and would rather just do as he was told for now, so he made his way up to his room as fast as he could.

Once he reached his room he walked to his bed and fell down face first and just thought about all that's happend to him over the last 2 weeks; he was robbing a bank and passed out only to be kidnapped by the heroes, the heroes actually ended up being nice to him, he may or may not be developing a small crush on princey and now he voluntarily was walking back into the home he hates so much.

Sometimes he wishes he never made friends with Remus and Deceit all those years ago but you can't change the past, he really wished he had control over time instead of shadows. Thinking of which Virgil noticed how he still had the powers DE amplifier attached to his wrist, mabye he can convince Dee and Ree to take them off.

He's finally home and the heroes were safe, what's the worst that can happen now.


I'm sorry again for the late release I got days mixed and didn't even realise it was Monday, I'm so sorry.

Have a wonderful day/Night,


Right or Wrong - Superhero AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu