Chapter 9

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Virgil continued to avoid the others even when Patton called him down for dinner, he just couldn't bring himself to face them after breaking down the way he did. It was to embarssing. Soon hours of avoiding the others became a day and a half and that just didn't sit well with the others "Virgil it's almost been to days you have to come out and get something to eat" called Roman from the other side of the door,

"No thanks I'm not hungry!" Virgil replied but he knew that the others must really be concerned if Princey is the one to tell him to come down however this didn't satisfy the hero who in turn opened up the door to the  room the ex-villian was stay in and dragging him out of bed "come on you need to eat" but yet again Virgil denied so and stubbornly stuck his heals into the ground when the hero attempted to gran him.

They stood like that for a few minuets despite knowing that with Romans enhanced strength he could easily drag the ex-villian down the hall till eventually Roman grabbed hold of Virgil and flung him over his shoulders "hey! Put me down!" Protested the emo as the princely hero turned and walked down the hall thought the living room and making his way to the kitchen table and playing him down on a chair.

"Ok I'm not letting you leave that chair till you eat something" and with that said Roman turned and opened the fridge to revel a pre-made sandwich which he instantly put in front of the emo. Virgil only glared at the food in front of him and stubbornly kept his mouth shut which caused a tired sigh from Roman.

"Fine be stubborn about it but eathier way your not leaving the table and we can do this all day seeing as it's just us in the apartment since it's my day off" Virgil knew that there was no way to get out of this so he took a reluctant bite if the sandwich which he had to admit was pretty good, causing a victorious smirk to make its way onto Princeys face.

It was around 5 minuets later when Virgil finished his sandwich and was about to make his way back to the room when he was stopped by the concerned hero "Virgil why are you doing this to yourself? You know even if you feel awkward around us you shouldn't have to miss meals because of it" 'so it was going to be one of these conversations then' thought virgil as he placed his head in his hands and answered him "it's not that big of a deal, I've went way longer without food"

That was obviously the wrong thing to say going by Romans shocked and concerned face "That doesn't make it ok plus we even left you good outside your door in case you were hungry which you didn't take" Virgil muttered out a quick " I deserve to do this to myself" which caused Romans face to grow more concerned if that was even possible.

"In no way do you deserve at all! The past is behind us and we are learning more and more about you each day which tells us that despite what you did, you didn't want to do it. You don't deserve this" they both had tears in there eyes by the time Roman had done talking and neathier knew where to go from there.

So Virgil decided to be the first one to do anything and said " Thanks princey" before turning around and all but running back to the room he had been staying in, god where was his music when he needed it... oh right back home.

He heard the distance sound of the door opening and two sets of footprints waking inside, Logan and Patton must be home. He decide that he would go down for dinner today in case Roman decided to come and get him, so with that thought in mind he closed his eyes and decided to take a quick nap to avoid thinking about what Roman had said to him and to avoid going down just yet... hopeful things won't be so awkward tonight...hopefully.


Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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