Chapter 6

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"really?" asked Patton attentively which only caused the villain to sigh "Yes Morality despite what you think I really don't want to spend more time in prison then I have to" Patton however didn't seem affected by Virgil's negativity and instead a huge grin appeared on his face as he sprang forward to hug him catching him completely of guard, the villain sent a pleading look other to the heroes only for them both to shrug. once the wind charmer pulled away the villain slowly wrapped his arms around himself protectively "I apricate the existent Morality however I'm not the biggest fan of physical contact could you maybe not..." the hero instantly looked a bit guilty as he rubbed his arms and answered him "of course Virgil and you know you don't have to call me Morality anymore" the only reply he got was a quick mutter of maybe "Maybe..."

Roman decided that It was his turn to jump in "How about we take this time to get to know each other a bit seeing as were going to be spending a lot of time together" Virgil looked hesitant at heroes suggest and Logan was quick to help out his friend with his plan "how about when one of us asks a question we all have to answer but if someone doesn't want to say their answer they don't have to, is that ok with you guys?" everybody hesitantly shook their heads afraid of what sort of questions are going to be asked.

"Ill go first then what is your guy's favourite bands? mines Evanescence" stated Virgil who then gestured for the others to say theirs, "Beyoncé, she's royalty" answered Roman who then turned to Logan who stated monotone voice "Podcasts" before Finally Patton excitedly jumped up from his seat to announce "I basically just listen to the campfire song song from sponge bob on repeat" Virgil was tempted to bring up the argument that he was the only one of them to name a band but choose not to as it probably wouldn't be worth it to anger the people who were going to keep him safe.

After the first question said Roman instantly knew which question he wanted to ask "What's your favourite Disney movie? since I can never choose between any of my darling babies I'm just going to say all of them are my favourite and the songs that come with them are all astounding" that revived a playful eye roll for the villain which left the heroes momentarily stunned as he answered "Black cauldron and it has no songs which is great" after a scoff from Roman he gestured for the other two to sat theirs, Logan went first stating that "My favourite Disney movie is Big Hero 6 which has one of my favourite songs 'Immortals' by Fall out boy" once again Patton jumped up slightly as he stated "Winnie the Pooh! ummm... oh yeah 'Winnie the pooh-'"

Patton was quickly cut off as Logan decided it was his turn to ask a question "What Pokémon best describes you all, personal I think I best suit  Alakazam" This question surprised Virgil as he asked "Your a Pokémon fan? also I would be Haunter" after a swift nod from Logan Patton took his turn to answer "Togepi!" he yelled with a happy smile still plastered on his face. Finally Roman stated "Jigglypuff as we would go on to preform the best duets in all the land!" this got a smirk out of Virgil that the hero couldn't lie was adorable.

"How are you guys feeling? Oh but you can only answer with a song title" as soon as Patton said his question Roman quickly announce "'All I do is win' by DJ Khaled", Logan stated in that same monotone voice "'comfortably numb' by Pink Floyd". Virgil proudly stated "'I'm not okay (I promise) by MCR" with another small smirk, "'I am the Walrus' the Beatles!" this left a confused silence as nobody really wanted to question why he choose that song inperticular.

After a few minuets of silence Roman perked up as announced "Enough questions lets watch some Disney movies!" everybody agreed so Roman quickly went to choose a movie as they all got comfortable 'Maybe this wont be to bad after all..."


I hope you guys like this chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue. Sorry if it wasn't that goodand I promise the next chapter will be way better.

Have a wonderful day/night,


Right or Wrong - Superhero AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن