Chapter 3

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Virgil had spent the entire night stuck inside his own mind with nothing but his negative thoughts for company that he hadn't even realised the time or the fact that anyone was knocking on his door till they started to shout at him through it "VIRGIL! get up and get down here now!" before storming down the stairs, Virgil quickly jumped out of his bed giving himself whip lash in process before heading downstairs before he got into more trouble then he already was in. 

Virgil walked into the front room to see Deceit looking over some type of blue print on the coffee table whilst Remus sat off to the side looking confused as Deceit explained something to him "Janus I don't understand your smart people language can you just tell me who or what I need to beat up?" questioned Remus as he flung himself onto the sofa and kicking his feet in the air, Janus only rolled his eyes at his antics before his eyes meet Virgil's who standing in the door way and gestured for him to come over look over the blue prints set up on the coffee table.

"what is this?" Virgil asked as he look over the blue prints to what seemed to be another bank as Janus only scoffed at him before answering "This Virgil is a blue print of the bank your going to be sneaking into today and before you saying anything yes you are going to be sneaking in and the reason you are sneaking in is because we cant risk the 'heroes' coming after us so soon after the failure you caused us to have last night" Virgil resisted the urge to say something along the lines of 'it wasn't my fault' but he had learned long ago that trying to deny it only lead to a worse punishment then just not getting dinner.

"what will you guys be doing then?" asked Virgil with a slight hint of fear in his voice because he didn't really like the idea of being on his own in case the 'heroes' found him, it was Remus who answered this time "oh don't worry your pretty little head their emo, were going to be on look out tonight and intervene if those so called 'heroes' decide to show up again" Virgil nodded at him before he remembered his injury from last night, it still hurts just not as much as it did from when it first happened.

"but what about my inju-" Virgil started only to be cut off by Janus "you will just have to get over it and rob this bank without being such a complete and utter failure" yet again Virgil only nodded before sitting on the sofa at Remus's feet only to receive a kick on the shoulder and a short laugh from Remus.

'this is going to be great' Virgil thought sarcastically as he listened to Deceit explain his 'master plan'


Anxiety slowly continued to make his way through the vests as he went over Deceits plan in his head 'sneak in and don't get caught whilst he and Intrusive hold of the heroes if they decide to make an appearance'. After a few more minuets of crawling he eventually found the found the vault and kicked in the vent and jumped down, he quickly used his powers to take out the security cameras and grabbed as many bags of money as he could before heading back into the vests and out of the building dragging the bags behind him.

After dropping off the bags at the drop off point he heard the distant sound of fighting and instantly knew what was going on. The heroes had arrived. As Anxiety was about to set off towards the chaos he was hit with a sudden exhaustion and quickly put his hands out onto the building in an attempt to gain a bit of his energy back, once he felt stable enough to stand he debated just going home but knew what would happen if he didn't at least attempt to help his team mates. summoning up the rest of his energy Anxiety jumped into the shadows and ran to go help his team mates in battle.

Once Anxiety he arrived he saw Intrusive fighting against Creativity and Morality whilst Logic was going against himself 'Deceit really likes using Logic's abilities' thought Anxiety as he jumped in to help Intrusive but instead found himself in a 1 v 1 battle against Creativity. "where have you been JD Lightful?" questioned Creativity teasingly only to receive a questioning look from Anxiety "you know JD from Heathers... god I waste my best material on you" with an eye roll from Anxiety the battle continued however after a while Anxiety started to become more fatigued and slower at dodging Creativity's katana, it was noticeable enough that Creativity began to worry "you doing ok there jack smellington?" Anxiety only gave a quick nod and continued to throw his shadows at him and dodge his katana.

The fights continued for a while longer with Logic and Morality teaming up to defeat Intrusive and Deceit together whilst Creativity started to go easier on Anxiety as he continued to grow slower and slower the more his exhaustion  began to take over. Creativity began to slow down himself after taking pity on him "Anxiety we can stop this now, we can both go our separate ways and fight another time" Creativity reasoned only to get a glare from his opponent

"no never! we will- we will..." was the last thing Anxiety said before crumpling to the ground only to be caught by Creativity and lifted into his arms "oh no" muttered Creativity before yelling out for his team mates "GUYS! WE HAVE A SITUATION!" both heroes looked over to see creativity holding Anxiety bridal style in his arms, the yelling also grabbed the attention of the two villain's who were only angered at the sight. 

"Intrusive let's go!" called Deceit as he grabbed his team mates and turned into a famous teleporter from Australia and teleporting them both away before they could be stopped by any of the heroes.

"what do we do now?" questioned Morality as he ran over to Creativity with Logic close behind, it was Logic who answered when Creativity only shook his shoulders "We should take him back with us, he could be useful and then maybe we could understand more on his sudden... collapse" with that the heroes ran off into the night with Creativity carrying Anxiety, making their way to the home with their only possible way of maybe finally defeating the villain's once and for all.


hopeful you enjoyed this chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue

have a good day/night,


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