Chapter 8

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It had been little over a week since Virgil had agreed to stay under the custody of the heroes and he had yet to really talk to any of them, aside from Roman when they had their huge Disney debate, and it made him uneasy to know that these people knew stuff about him despite literally trying to arrest him not so long ago however Virgil refused to be the one to make effort to create some sort of bond with the others. Today Logic and Roman had gone off to work but what they did for a living was still a mystery to Virgil as he didn't ask when they announced it would just be him and Patton home alone till later on that day, so that's how Virgil found himself sat at the kitchen table as he watched Morality bake cookies. 

Morality had tried to make conversation for awhile but every time he did Virgil would just give him quick answers in an attempt to shut down any chance of having to talk to the hero for to long "Ok kiddo I take it you don't really like it here do you?" h questioned as he put the dough into the oven and took a seat opposite the Ex-villain, the question caught him by surprise but he answered anyways "Its not that I don't like it here Morality its just that little over a week ago we were enemies and you guys were trying to put me and my team mates in prison, so sorry if i'mot overly existed at the moment"

The hero let out a quite sigh before speaking again "I know it must be hard for you Kiddo but trust me when I say we wont hurt you and the reason your here is because we want to keep you safe also you can call me Patton you know" the smile Patton gave him after he said this almost caused the him to feel guilty over being so rude to him moments ago "The real reason I'm here is because you guys want my help I'm capturing my friends, you don't care about me because as far as you guys care I'm just the Villain who has been making your life's harder just by existing. Yet again I'm just a worthless nobody who doesn't deserve your guys protection, I deserve to be in Prison"

Patton slowly reached across the table to grab Virgil's shoulder before saying "You are not a worthless nobody and recently we are all seeing a new side to someone we once thought was a heartless Villain who hurt people for fun" Virgil flinched but Patton continued "we now know that something more was going on beneath the surface and even thought we don't know you that well I can honestly say I don't think your evil or anything like how I thought you were before" Virgil didn't even notice he was crying to he let out a small sniffle 'no one has ever been this nice to me before' he thought as he continued to cry silently.

He hadn't even noticed Patton get up until he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, usually if anybody (including Dee and Ree) would try to hug him he would push them away instantly but for some reason getting a hug of Patton felt as thought getting a comforting hug from a beloved Parent. They stayed like that for who knows how long before the other two returned from work, when they made their way into the kitchen they both went to say something but with a quick look from Patton they both shut their mouths and left the room when Patton mouthed a quick "leave him to me".

When they did finally brake apart Virgil refused to look Patton in the eyes but he was saved from another deep conversation by the sound of the oven going off signalling that they were finally cooked, so when Patton turned to deal with the cookies Virgil made his quick escape to the room he had been staying in. He still refused to consider it his room as he knew deep down that if he saw the room as his it would quickly be ripped away from him as he and his friends would finally be sent to jail, he also knew that when they found out Virgil was betraying them Dee and Ree would be furious and make sure Virgil's gets the right... Punishment.

Virgil layed on the bed wishing he still had his phone and head phones so he could play his music but instead he was forced to sit in silence at the mercy of his own thoughts as he sat wondering what would happen to him the next time he saw his team mates, he knew whatever it was they planned on doing to him it wouldn't be good.


I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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