Chapter 11

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The two Heroes returned home with the letter in hand and a huge feelings confusions as they suck back into their apartment to avoid being seen as their alter egos, what could the later possibly say and though they were curious they would wait to get back to the other first.

With that they walked yo their seprerate rooms to change back into their civilian clothes before joining the others in the front room with the letter cliches in Logan's hand. "What that?" Questioned Patton as he paused the movie he and Virgil had been watching before they came in, Big hero 6 one of Logan's favourites.

The two took their seats and turned to face the others "When we finished fighting against Deceit and Intrusive they dropped this letter and told us to give it to Virgil" at that Virgil froze and stared at the folded envelope with nothing but fear and a bit of anger.

Logan handed Virgil the envelope who opened it quickly and took a minute or so to read before paling and leaning back on the sofa gesturing for the others to look allwhilst not saying a word, Roman was the first to grab it as he began to read it out loud

Dear virgil,

I hope you realise the true consequences of your actions and what will happen when we get you back and that if not when, anyways we want you to know that we are giving you two choices;

1) you come back to us in the next week and your punishment won't be as harsh and mabye we will let you join us on a few more missions.

2) you stay with those 'Heroes' and when we take then down, which we will, you are going to wish you never betrayed us and hope we take pity and leave you alive long enought to see what becomes of them. How the nightly will fall.

Anyways we do hope you make the right choice and actually be smart for once in your god awful life but who knows, you always have disappointed us so why should now be any different.

Be careful of choice virgil, it won't end well if you chose the wrong one.

-Dee and Ree <3

The heart in the end only made the others angry as Roman turned to Virgil and spoke with absolute confidence "We won't ever let them hurt you again and we will never let them win, ever" everyone saw the easy virgil mouth tilted into a slight smile however none mentioned it.

"Roman's right kiddo we won't let them hurt you, you will never have to do what they say again as long as your with us" Logan nodded in agreement as they all turned to wait for Virgil's response, it was a solid two minuets before Virgil spoke

"Thanks guys I really appreciate it, don't worry I'm not going with the first option." This caused the three heroes to let out a breath they didn't know they were holding and sink further into their chairs "Let's continue the movie" Virgil said as he gestured to the movie he and Patton had previously been watching to which Patton quickly unpaused and turned his attention to.

After everyone had settled to watch the movie Virgil began to think, 'I hate that I had to lie to the people who offered to protect me but I can't let them get hurt cause I was stupid and didn't go for the first option, I'll leave some time this week I just need to figure out how to get past these guys first' and with that thought in mind Virgil turned his attention back to the movie unaware of Roman watching him from the corners of his eyes.

Roman knew that Virgil had been thinking of something and he knew it had to do with the letter they had just looked over 'I gotta keep an eye on him' Roman thought as he too turned his attention back to the tv.

There was a slight tension in the air that none refused to break as none actually knew it's true cause except virgil Who had no intention of sharing why, 'Finding away to sneak away from the heroes home is going to be hard but I can't let the other get hurt because of me, I hate that I've already grown attached but there not much that I can do about that now' Virgil thought as he mentally started planning his escape and decsiibg to just forget about the movie altogether.


Hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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