Chapter 12

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Ever since the letter the heroes had been keeping a closer eye on the ex-villian as if expecting to bolt it at any given second eventhought logically the knew Virgil want to leave as much as he wanted to see Deceit and Intrusive again.

For Virgil however he had been spending most of his time figuring out ways to leave the watchful eyes of the cities heroes and make it back to his ex-team mates as he wished no harm to come to his new 'Roommates' as despite what he said he had become slightly attached, he didn't want them hurt because he was selfish and didn't want to leave.

So here he was no with his bag in hand as he waited for the time to reach 3am so he could finally leave without fear of being stopped, when his phone showed the time was in fact 3am he quietly opened his door and walked out into the hallway and towards the front room which lead to the front door.

When Virgil was close enought to see the door he felt a rush of relife as he had managed to leave the hallway without waking the other, he was almost home free when...

"Virgil where are you going?" Oh no. Princey. Virgil turned around to see Roman in his Hero attire standing in the door way of a kitchen, bottle of water in hand.

"Roman I can explain!" Virgil rushed out as Roman gestured for him to take a seat on the sofa which Virgil was quick to do and was quickly joined by Roman.

"Do you want to explain why I caught you attempting to leave at around.." Roman pulled out his phone "3am" he fi shed putting his phone away. Virgil was struggling with what to say as he couldn't just blurt out " Well I was attempting to leave as not to put you guys in the way of deciet's and Intruives's anger"

"Virgil we already told you that you didn't have to leave and that we can handle Deceit and Intrusive" this caught Virgil off guard till a sudden thought hit him "wait I said that out loud?"

This caused a small laught from the hero who only said "yes Virgil you did in fact say that out loud" that caused Virgil to blush 'I miss my foundation' thought virgil as he realised without make up his blush was on full display which yet again caused the hero to laught.

They continued to sit in silence yo Virgil decided to ask " How come your up anyways and dressed in you hero... outfit" he fi shed thinking of what to call the heroes outfit

"I decides to go out and do a bit of patrol from some more low life crimes and I'm glad I did cause I wouldn't have caught you other wise" yet again Virgil blushed in embarssment 'What is wrong with me' thought Virgil.

"Can you not tell the others about this please, I don't want them to know I..." Virgil trailed of only for Roman to fish it "Run away" to which he only nodded in return.

Roman let out a small sigh as he looked towards Virgil and noding "Ok I won't tell the other but for now on I'm going to lock your room at night, not that I don't trust you it's just I don't want you going back to them and them hurting you again" Virgil went to protest at the metention of him being hurt again bit was silenced by the look Roman sent him as if saying 'don't try to deny it right now'

"Ok we should both head up to bed and actually get some sleep before we have to get up in a few hours ok?" Virgil only nodded at Roman before taking off to his 'room' with Roman behind him. They both said a quite goodnight as they went to there separate rooms, as soon as Virgil closed the door he walked over to the bed and heard the door lock as he face planted the bed and let out a groan of annoyince.

Next time he is not gonna get caught and even thought it will be harder to leave now it wasn't impossible, 'they won't get hurt because of me' thought Virgil as he closed his eyes and began to think of a new plan.


Sorry for the late release I had some person issues to deal with this weekend and didn't have time to write the chapter which I'm exceedingly sad about however I will release another chapter this week to make up for it.

Hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue,

Have a wonderful day/night,


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