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The fire parted slightly revealing the Trinity Guard walking towards us swords drawn ready to fight. Next to me my friends and family got ready to fight their way out and I focused on the dragon traitor standing ten feet from me.
Lancelot held my hand for a second and whispered to me, "we get out of this alive, take him down and I'll take care of the others."
Then everyone moved, I heard the sound of swords clashing against each other and I heard Percival shouting insults with flying colors at the guard. I remembered Lancelot's words and gave my attention to the boy. "You traitor, you're with them" I spat at him and it was laced with venom.
He threw his head back laughing, "you don't get it do you, the guard saved me while the ones you throw yourself with helped slaughter dragon kind" he spat back. I drew my swords while he drew a sword laced with fire. I lunged forward going to attack him. We fought against each other and sparks and fire flew together. At one point he was able to cut my side and I smelt the burnt flesh that now say there adding to the scars I had.
He finally got the upper hand dropped his sword and grabbed me by my hair showing me what was happening to everyone else. They were standing tired and I saw a member of the guard had the upper hand against Lancelot. "Say goodbye to the only person who cared for you" he whispered into my ear. Then Lancelot's sword was thrown out of his reach and was stabbed.
I threw my head back and the boy flew backwards. I grabbed my sword of the ground and ran to stab the guard member. As he fell I dropped my sword falling next to Lancelot. "You said we'd make it out of this, don't die on me" I told him tears streaming down my face. He looked up at me with sad eyes, "not all of us will make it out of this one" he said weakly.
His eyes started to close and I felt myself slip. Everything froze, I stood up and saw the figure of a woman. "Dakota, you need to save him, unlock your full power" the woman said and I saw it was my mother.
"I'm not strong enough, I can't beat him" I told her tears still streaming down my face. "You're right you aren't strong enough, but you are powerful enough" she now stood in front of me. She leaned down and kissed my forehead, "what can you fight fire with" she asked me and smirked. "Water" I immediately said and smirked back at her. "Don't forget your use the shadows, you can do a lot more than just fall through them."
All of a sudden everything was moving again, the fire around us burned fiercer. I called down for rain and the fire started to go out little by little. The rain stopped and the fire was now focused on the dragon boy that now stood there with fire growing on his arms and legs.
I closed my eyes and breathed, I felt the shadows from the trees moving and the darkness of the sky. I opened my eyes and I knew they were blazing a fiery purple and the boy looked at me in shock. I held my finger to my lips in a shushing motion then the world went blank. I could see perfectly fine and I moved slightly and carefully towards him. The fire from his body and sword still raging, and I could see the sword slashing around looking for me.
I was close to him and felt the sword in my hand getting a bit lighter. I was face to face with him and the shadows disappeared. "Don't ever cause harm to the people I love" I said before stabbing him without hesitation. His eyes grew wide and I looked down at the blade seeing it was pitch black like a shadow. His body was being suffocated in darkness then he completely disappeared.
I heard moving behind me and turned around. It was Lancelot, I ran up to him and hugged him. "You were dead, y...you" I was immediately stopped by him kissing me. He pulled away and I was shocked. "You know you talk to much sometimes" he said chuckling. I didn't hesitate and I kissed him this time and he responded immediately.
I heard someone clear their voice and we pulled away from each other. I saw everyone grinning, but Gawain the most. "Looks like you finally showed some emotion." I grinned at him, "well this supposed monster needed to show some for once" I said smiling at him. I felt Lancelot hold my hand worried that I was being serious, I squeezed his hand showing him I was kidding.
Percival walked up to me, "took you long enough, it was so painfully obvious that you two liked each other" he said and I attacked him in a hug and so did Lancelot. I think I just might adopt this kid as my own.

A/n cause everyone loves them:
I'm glad you all have read my story and hopefully stuck with me while I tried my best at writing it. I appreciate all of the reads and votes on this. I'm really glad I wrote this and I didn't know if it would do good or not since I don't know how many people really even like Cursed. Thank you again for reading and I really hopped you liked this.💜💜💜💜
    Also I am going to try my best to finish my Marvel wattpad and I'm thinking of doing a Why Don't We one and a Narnia one.
I also would like to make a story about them being teenagers in like 2019 or something.
I love you all💜💜💜

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