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       Once I was far enough away I stopped by a stream, took off my mask and hood and screamed. After I screamed I started crying, "why did I let this happen, they have all been taken from me" I paused and sat down, "my brother, my father, Lancelot, Gawain, Squirrel" I spoke softly. "Why do you have to make me alone" I yelled at the Hidden.
     I calmed down some and took a drink of water, putting my mask back on but leaving my hood off. I had enough time I thought, I found a horse and rode back to my first village. I found the two swords my father told me to keep. Putting them on my back and mounted my horse, by this time it was night and I set out to the Paladin camp with fierceness that would burn the whole place down.

>* the afternoon before saving Gawain and Squirrel

    I had stopped at an early hour in the morning, I realized I had to use the shadows to my advantage. I sat there in the woods waiting for night to fall, Arthur sent word that Nimue was going to surrender herself to Uther Pendragon in exchange for boats for the Fey.
     Morgana had somehow found me but was wearing all black. "Why are you waiting, you could take everyone in that camp" Morgana asked me while she was pacing. "I have a reason, and will you stop that pacing I can't think" I said a little aggravated. "Sorry" she said and she sat down next to the fire.
      "Could you keep watch Morgana, I'm going to try and get some sleep" I asked. "Uhh, sure" Morgana agreed and I laid some to fall asleep.

^ I was dreaming but I wasn't , I could see inside of the Paladin camp. I saw Gawain being tortured, "no, stop" I tried to say but no words came out of my mouth. I found Squirrel tied up in a tent waiting to probably be tortured next. I saw one tent that made me a little curious, I walked in and saw The Weeping Monk shirtless with wounds on his back talking to Carden.
      "Do you love me father" he asked Carden. "Oh course I do" Carden said and the Monk let out a shaky breath. I went to touch the wounds on his back and let out a small cry, I couldn't take it anymore and I woke up^

     I woke up shaking and on the verge of tears, "are you ok" Morgana asked me. "Ya I'm fine, just a bad dream" I replied standing up I saw it was sunset, "you need to return the sword to Nimue" I said and Morgana nodded her head. "What are you going to do" she asked me, "I'm gonna get into position" I said getting my weapons together.
    By the time I got to my spot the sun had just gone down. I could see everything and everyone, I noticed that the Holy Trinity was there and got a little nervous. "Why would they be here and why are they blocking a path to exit" I mumbled to myself.
     After about another hour I saw The Weeping Monk walking to a tent, I used my enhanced hearing and heard Squirrel in the tent. I got an arrow ready but saw him walking with Squirrel out of the tent to the path with The Holy Trinity. "No, there going to die" I said to myself.
    I jumped through a shadow and landed close to where I saw The Weeping Monk on the ground. I heard Squirrel yell at them, I went up behind one of them and stabbed them causing  him to fall. The Weeping Monk looked at Squirrel then at me getting up and fighting the rest of them.
     I fell through a shadow again and pointed my sword at a member of the Holy Trinity making him back up towards Squirrel and Lancelot. "Go, tell the others what you saw here tonight" I paused and winked at the pair getting on a horse, "and tell them we are coming" I said before he ran off. 
    I ran over to them taking off my hood, "you are such an idiot and don't know how to keep yourself out of trouble do you" I questioned them both. "Sorry do I know you" Lancelot asked me. "Well I would be quite upset if you forgot me" I said removing my mask. "Dakota" Lancelot whispered to me. I got on my horse and we rode off out of the Paladin camp.

>* near morning on a road

    "What is your name" Lancelot asked Squirrel. "Squirrel" he replied, "that's not you're real name" Lance replied.  "Well I don't like my name much, but it's Percival" Squirrel replied. "Percival, that's a nice name, sounds like a knights name if you ask me" I said looking over at Lance. "What's your name" Percival asked Lance. "My name is Lancelot, and it hasn't been used in years" he said and Percival looked at me with wide eyes.
      "I knew it" he said smiling at me. "Knew what" I said to Percival sounding innocent. "I knew you knew The Weeping Monk" he stated. "As I said before, some things are better kept secret for now" tapping him in the nose again. "I just didn't know it was this Lancelot you described by the stream" Percival said causing me to blush like mad turning my head away.
Lance laughed at me, "oh hush Lance" I said to him hitting his arm. "Whatever you say Kota" I rolled my eyes at that nickname causing him to laugh again. "If you keep laughing you're gonna hurt yourself even more" I half scolded him. "We'll stop by a stream and get you fixed up" I said patting him on the shoulder. "I missed you Dakota" Lancelot whispered making us both smile. We rode the rest of the morning in a comfortable silence.

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