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< "come on slow poke" Lancelot yelled as I was chasing him around the field. I fake fell to get him to stop running so I could get him, he came over to me. "Are you ok, you're not hurt are you" I smiled and got up tagging him and ran off, "you're it" I yelled back at him.
He caught up to me and hugged me in which we both fell. "Why do you have to be so fast" I asked him, "Dunno, just am" he replied. "I don't know why the other kids don't like you" he said laying on his back, "you're awesome and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend" he finished as I laid beside him on my back.
"I'm glad I met you by the creek that night" I told him elbowing his side causing him to laugh and start tickling me. "DAKOTA!! LANCELOT!!!" I heard my brother yell. "YA!" I yelled back, he ran up to us. "We need to get back to the hut" he caught his breath, "now."
We followed James in silence running to our small hut. "Hurry get inside" Pa said since he was waiting outside. "Here take these and hide, both of you" James said while Pa handed us a bow, two swords, and multiple knives. "Hide in your spot nobody can find" James said looking at me. I nodded and took Lancelot's hand to lead him to my spot to hide.
Once we were hid the door opened harshly, "where is the girl" we heard a voice say. "We don't have a girl, I only have my son" Pa said to the person. I heard a sword be drawn and two thuds, "search the hut." Lancelot took one of the knives and started getting out of the hiding spot, "stay here" he whispered to me. "No, what if you get hurt" I said trying to get him to stay.
Lancelot got out of the hiding spot, "look what we have here, someone wants to try and fight" someone else said. I heard a small yell and then everything went silent, the men laughed and left the hut. After waiting I got out of the hiding spot and saw my brother and father laying on the floor with stab wounds. I started crying, "wake up" I repeated to them both, "please wake up."
I realized they weren't going to wake up so I got the weapons out of the hiding spot and packed a bag with food and the knives. I hid the swords in the woods where nobody would find them so I could get them when I'm older. I slung the bow over my should, grabbed my pack and started walking down the creek.<


I woke up sweating, I got up and dried the sweat from my face. I heard a knock at my door so I put up my hood and mask. I opened the door to see Squirrel waiting for me outside, "hello again" I told him. "Hi" Squirrel replied, "The Green Knight told me to come get you" I nodded and followed him.
We stopped before we reached where Gawain, Arthur, and Nimue were arguing. "I told all the elders, but I though I should tell you too" Squirrel said and I looked at him, "the Weeping Monk told me to tell the Fey that I saw what he could do and tell them that he was coming" I nodded and thanked him. "You can stop him right" he asked me, "I'm not sure, but I'll try my best" Squirrel nodded and walked off.
"Perhaps a riding companion" I heard Arthur say as I walked up to them. "Look everyone, I do not take this decision to go to Merlin lightly, but it has been made" Nimue says to the arguing boys. "Outsiders do not protect our clan members" Gawain says to Arthur making me roll my eyes at them. Arthur turned to Nimue, "let's see if Nimue decides whether I am an outsider" he says.
     Nimue looked at them in disbelief, "you're determined to make me choose, is that it" she questioned and the boys grew silent. She turned to me and Kaze, "very well, Kaze, Shadow Knight would you like to accompany me" Nimue asked. "I'll go get the horses" Kaze said and I couldn't help but have to bit back a snicker. The boys slunk off and Morgana appeared, "is it all right if I tag along" I looked to Nimue. "That is fine with me" Nimue said to Morgana.
     Kaze appeared outside with four horses. We mounted and rode off to go meet Merlin. As we rode we talked about how stupid it is that the boys were arguing. "I had to bite back a laugh when Kaze said she was going to go get the horses" I admitted. "The look on there faces dropped" Nimue said and we started laughing. We reached the place where Merlin and Nimue are going to meet and we stopped by a shaded tree. "I'm going in alone, I want you guys to come in and tell me if anything goes wrong" Nimue told us and we nodded in agreement.

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