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There were flames of all different color in the cave, blue, orange, purple, light blue, just about any color. I couldn't see anything in here other than paintings of more dragons. "I guess this mountain really did hold dragons in it" I half joked, like I always do trying to get even a grin from him. This time I didn't get a grin, or a smile, or even a faint chuckle. This time I was met with a stern looking face. "Not everything is a joke you know, this place could have actually held dragons that could have died here. This isn't a joking matter and we're trying to find out about your past that is connected to your mothers, so stop joking for five minutes."
I was shocked and didn't know what to say, I've never seen him snap at me like that before. "Sorry" I mumble quietly stalking off to look around. I looked into the different fires, running my hand through them to see what happened. Some felt cool while others felt hot, and some even smelled of my own memories that I had forgotten. I passed a light purple fire, I looked in and it had a small box so I reached in and grabbed it. I heard Lancelot approach and look at the box so I opened it, another note.
The note read, look in the shadows and find the hidden door. I was very confused and couldn't find anything else so we headed back to the others.
      I kept wondering what the note meant, look in the shadows? Hidden door? This doesn't make any sense. I sighed in frustration as we reached the others and I received a raised eyebrow from Gawain who nodded his head away to go talk to him. I walked after him telling the others we were gonna talk.
     "Something troubling you" he asked as he stopped walking. "I found a note that said look in the shadows and find a hidden door, and I'm so confused. What secret door? There are literally no other doors here" I said obviously frustrated. He started laughing, "oh that's it, I thought something happened between you two down there" he finally calmed down and said. My mouth dropped and I glared at him, "and why would something happen between us two."
     He started to walk away and I threw a rock at him which he ducked just in time, "I'll tell you when you're older." Ugh, I can't believe I like to call him my brother, even though he isn't.
    I walked past another small camp they made, I went to sit outside and watch the stars. I sat down on a ledge, my feet hanging off.  I felt someone sit down beside and I glanced over seeing Lancelot. "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier, I didn't mean it. I like hearing your jokes" he told me quietly. I didn't say anything but I smiled internally and rest my head on his shoulder, or rather arm since he was much taller than me.
     "We should go back to the fire, don't want you getting cold" he teased and I rolled my eyes but agreed. As we walked back I saw something moving a shadow so I walked near it. "What do you see Kota?" I reached into the shadow and felt something so I jumped back. "It looks and feels like something is in that shadow" I said as Gawain approached us.
I walked forward and walked into the shadow, I heard them mumble something but couldn't make it out. I walked out of the shadow and they were both confused, "what?"
They looked at me astonished, "you just completely disappeared into that shadow." I was shocked, "do you know if you can follow?"
They both tried to walk into the shadow but it didn't do the same thing, "I think it only reacts to you, you know being able to pass through shadows" Lancelot stated. I agreed with him, "I'm going to go see if there is anything in there" I told them.
      I walked into the shadow and felt a door so I opened it and walked in. The room looked like a bedroom, it wasn't dark like I expected it to be, it was filled with color. I looked behind me and saw a door, it had my mother's name carved into it and it had very intricately carved designs as well. "This was my mother's room, I'm standing in my mother's room" I paused realizing there was an actual room here, "why would she have a room here?"
     I couldn't find anything when I looked around but I did find another letter. I looked at it and it was addressed to.....me?

Dear Dakota,
       I know you are probably very confused right now. When I first found out about where I came from I was shocked. I'm writing this before I even knew you, but I love you all the same. I'll know when you've found this and when I know this means you've figured out how to control your shadow side. Now onto why you're confused, we are descendent from dragons. Yes the ones from legends, they used to be able to turn into humans but after a spell was cast the ones who were human stayed, and the ones who were dragons were hunted to extinction. You are more powerful than you think, but don't worry if you keep your friends close.

                                            Signed Avalynn
Ps. Don't trust the voice.
Pps. Take the chance, what you have doesn't come along everyday.

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