My Life, in Ruins -Chapter two-

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I hate waking up with migraines especially the ones that start right between your eyes and work all the way throughout your head, but that’s one way of knowing that you had one hell of a time the night before -the bigger the migraine, the better the party. I rolled over and knocked into somebody, causing my eyes to pop open.
Oh my fucking god! I fucked Ian all night!
Memories of last night hammered into my brain and I quickly sat up, not caring that I was totally naked. I crawled out of bed, trying not to jostle and wake him, and pulled on my panties and dress, leaving my stockings and bra behind. My heels were by the door but instead of putting them on, I grabbed them in my hands and ran out of the door with them. People were sleeping all over the large house; I noticed that girl from last night, Annie? She was cuddled on the couch with Andrew but it didn’t look like they had done anything, only like they had fallen asleep. I grabbed a small bottle of coconut rum and went out to my car.
When I got home I took a shower and changed into my practice clothes, one skin undershirt, a tank-top, and some soffe shorts. I got back in my car and drove to the local recreational (rec) center for Cheerleading practice. Yes, our team did practice on the weekends; pathetic, I know.
I had taken two aspirin and drank that whole small bottle of coconut rum before getting here but had forgotten to brush my teeth so leaned over to the glove-compartment, open it, and pulled out a small bottle of travel mouth wash. I rinsed it in my mouth for five minutes, trying to erase all the events of last night.
When I got inside I did my stretches and joined the girls already here in a fifty lap run around the basketball court. The girls that were already done were laying out the mats and turning on music to get warmed up before the coach got here.
I ran hard, liking the feel of my hair slapping my back and imagining that I was running away from all of my problems and mistakes. By the time I had finished the fifty laps I felt light headed and a little dizzy, that’s what drinking all night and not eating in the morning will do to you. I leaned against the wall and braced myself taking a few deep breaths.
“Protein shake?” Maya asked, handing her thermos to me.
I nodded and greedily sucked down most of it.
“Sorry,” I told her, wiping off my mouth. “I haven’t had anything this morning.”
Maya smiled and shrugged. “You can keep it, I noticed that you were pale; wouldn’t want you to pass out during practice.”
And with that she walked away and joined Kerrie and Priscilla. I chugged down the rest of the shake and threw the thermos by the cheerleading bags before joining the girls on the tumbling mat. When coach got to the gym she had us line up in our stunt groups and for the girls who didn’t have stunt groups they were suppose to just stand and watch, not say anything or move.
“I want you two groups to move in on Bree’s group and hold onto her arms; she’s going to do a kick twist down and then back up into a full.”
We had done this before but never with me as the main flyer, it was always Maya. I could see the hurt look on her face but she was good at holding it in. We worked on the kick twist for almost two hours until it was mastered and it was only then that I noticed the dark group sitting in the corner of the bleachers. I recognized two of the emo girls from school and the third as Annie and then a blonde emo boy that I wasn’t sure if I had seen before and…Ian. They were listening to their ipods and sitting in a circle formation; on the other side of the bleachers sat Carter, the guy Priscilla was fucking and the guy who had tried to get in my pants on more than one occasion while he was with Priscilla, and Clay, his best friend who was more sweet and less go-after-every-girl-I-meet. I noticed someone else in the stands, sitting with two other girls that I didn’t know, it was Ray and I could see Priscilla sneering at her. Why the hell did she hate her so much? And why the hell was Ian and his friends looking at me?
Carter and Clay ran down the bleachers and came to join us; Carter scooped Priscilla into a big hug, twirling her in circles but casting lustful glances at me. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Clay, who was smiling at me sweetly.
“Hi Clay,” I said to him, inching closer because Carter and Ian were making me feel awkward.
“Hey Bree, how have you been?” The sincerity and kindness in his voice shocked me and I had to take a moment to gather my thoughts.
“I’ve been…decent. Cheerleading takes a lot out of me.”
He nodded and glanced at the other girls. “Yea, that looked really…difficult.” He finished, returning his blue eyes to mine.
I smiled at him, “Yea, it was. Actually, at one point I was kind of dizzy.”
This made us both laugh and I couldn’t believe how comfortable I felt with him so fast even though we’d never really talked before. I didn’t get that creepy I’m-going-to-get-in-your-pants vibe from him, and that relieved me. As I walked over to grab my cheerleading bad, he followed me.
“So, uh--do you want to hang out sometime or something?” He asked.
When I looked up at him I could see that he was blushing. He was blushing? Seriously?
He smiled when I said this and looked down at his feet for a second. “Cool, so I’ll call you?”
I nodded and turned to leave. “Wait, I don’t have your number.” He admitted, blushing again.
I smiled thinking how adorable he was. “Right.”
I grabbed his phone from him and punched in my number before handing it back to him and walking out to my car. I noticed that old mustang parked next to me but ignored it until I heard his voice.
“So why are you a cheerleader?”
“Why are you emo, Ian?” I asked back.
He laughed, “Who said I’m emo? ‘Emo’ people are sad and usually loners, and they typically hurt themselves. I’m a genuinely happy person and, there are no self-inflicted scars anywhere on my body.”
I winced when he said that and pulled my sleeves down a little further.
“I happen to like dressing like this, I think it makes me look pretty hot.” Ian continued. “Don’t you think I’m hot?”
Images of him and I last night flashed through my head but I didn’t let him know that thinking about that made me want to throw him in my car and rip his clothes off.
“No, I don’t think you’re hot, and I cheer because I like it; thank-you very much.”
I leaned over to unlock my car and heard him running over to me. He eloped his arms around my waist and put his face right next to my neck. My whole body stiffened and I couldn’t move or react. He moved his hands from my waist and up, under my shirt and onto my flat stomach. I shuttered and had to bite into my lip to keep myself from letting any noise out.
“Does this not do anything for you?” He pushed them up higher until his fingers were teasing my sports bra line.
I felt my knees weakening and my fingers digging into the side of my car, I leaned into him without realizing it. His fingers worked their way under my sports bra until they were cupping my boobs and I couldn’t help but let out a little moan, even though I was still biting my lip. I could feel him hardening in his pants and I knew that if I didn’t get away from him that very second then someone was going to catch us fucking up against my car. I took one of my hands and moved it onto his leg, sliding up it until I was cupping his, very large, bulge. He moaned himself, or at least he did until I gave it a hard squeeze and pushed him away, quickly jumping into my car and slamming the locks down. I was breathing heavy and I saw him holding himself, looking at me in shock.
Get out of here, get out of here. I told myself, and threw my car in reverse. When I got home mom’s car was gone; I locked the door behind me and collapsed on the couch thinking ’why the hell does this boy affect me so much? Or better yet, why do I let him affect me?’

I jumped up with a very large knot in my stomach and ended up running to the nearest bathroom and puking my guts up. I guess spending a whole evening and night drinking and screwing your brains out doesn’t mix with two and a half hours of working out and a protein shake. I spent ten more minutes dry heaving and then ended up laying down on the cool tile floor. I pressed my face against it and closed my eyes, feeling almost instant relief. I guess I fell asleep there because I woke up to someone nudging me with their foot.
“Please tell me you’re not oding or something.” My mom asked.
I blinked a couple times and then looked up at her. My mouth tasted like throw up.
“No, and thanks for your concern now leave me alone.”
I turned and tried to get comfortable again.
“Well, I have to pee.” She said.
I sighed and sat up, rubbing the sleep and make-up out of my eyes.
“Maybe if you actually washed that shit off every once in a while your eyes wouldn’t get so irritated.” My mom said, pulling her pants down and sitting on the toilet.
“Ew, mom. Give me a second to leave.”
I jumped up and ran out of the bathroom and then climbed upstairs and went into my own and vigorously brushed my teeth. When that was done I tied my blonde hair up into a tight bun, ran the bathwater, put some relaxing crystals in it, and then stepped it, letting it rise up to my neck. I was just spacing out when I heard my text message alert go off. Sighing, I crawled out of the tub and picked my phone up. Two missed texts, funny, I only heard it go off once. The newest was from coach.

>You guys are looking a little tired out there. Take tomorrow off but expect hardcore training on Monday<

I rolled my eyes and deleted the message. The next one was from…Ian. Wtf? How did he get my number?

>Hang out, my place? You know you want to J<

I groaned and texted him back.

>I certainly don’t<

I was going to go back into the tub but his reply was instantaneous.

>Oh come on, it’s a little party. Very low key<


I threw my phone into my bedroom after texting back and then got back into the tub.
When my bath was over I wrapped my towel around me and ran downstairs to get a Gatorade; people don’t realize it but it really helps to get the alcohol out of your system. I grabbed a red one and walked back through the living room…only to see a practically naked man on the couch. I grabbed my towel and yanked it up higher, pressing my arms against it.
“Um, who the hell are you?”
He grinned at me in a very perverse way. “Paul.”
I glared at him, shifting uncomfortably on my legs. Ever since the divorce mom hadn’t been shy about her numerous hook-ups but she had never, ever brought a man home with her and if she did, it was when I wasn’t here.
“Don’t be so uncomfortable babe, I’d be totally fine if it fell.”
My mouth gaped open in shock. “Ew, I’m sorry. I’m not attracted to senior citizens.”
He jumped off the couch and started moving towards me.
“I’m certainly not a senior citizen, why don’t you ask your mom? She can tell you all about it.”
He reached forward, almost as if he was going to grab me but I dodge him and ran up the stairs and to my room, locking my door. I was furious; how dare she bring some sick, pervert into our home. I clutched the towel tighter and went over to my bed to sit down. My phone vibrated and played the little jingle that signaled a text message. I lifted it up and read it.

>Please come?<

Ian, so persistent. I thought of the guy downstairs and then about Ian’s party, I would much rather be there than here. Knowing that, I stood up, dropped my towel and stepped into my closet. I did my complete change, putting on full make-up and wore a short, black denim skirt and my favorite long-sleeved purple top with a very low v-cut. It wasn’t like I was into Ian or anything (I mean ew) but lets face it, the boy was a god in bed and good sex took my mind off my shitty life. I popped two roxys before heading out and texted him back.


Ian’s house wasn’t the best looking one I’d seen, but it certainly wasn’t ugly either. It was just a normal, single story home with a fenced in yard…and a huge ass dog laying in the driveway.
I parked the car, turning it off, and texted Ian again.

>There is no way I am getting out of my car with that big fucking dog staring at me<

Two minutes later the front door opened and a shirtless Ian stepped outside. Jeez, did he have to not wear a shirt? I tried to look else where but it was very distracting, especially while he was trying to wrestle the beast dog over to a chain. When I saw the latch lock onto his collar I sighed and opened my car door.
My heels sunk into the grass but I didn’t really care, they would probably be off as soon as I got inside anyways.
“You look hot.” Ian said, cocking an eyebrow at me.
I rolled my eyes and walked past him. The large dog starting running towards me.
“Shit!” I yelled, jumping behind Ian and using him as a shield.
I was not kidding when I said this dog was a beast, he at least ninety pounds, if not one-hundred and he was obviously a pitbull because of his big block head and thick body. If he wasn’t so large I would probably think he was cute because he had a blue nose with blue coloration and blue was one of my favorite colors.
The chain finally ran out, right before the dog could reach us, and I sighed in relief. Ian chuckled and it was only then that I realized I was holding onto his toned, bare arms. He turned to face me and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling my body tightly against his.
“Thanks for coming.” He leaned in, going for a kiss, but I pulled back and smiled evilly at him.
“You’re going to have to work for that.” And with that I pried myself away from him and marched into his house.



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