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I walked around the yard feeling much more comfortable being here. The nice summer breeze that was refreshing. The sun that fell down onto the ground providing light. It was much nicer here than in America. Well they didn't have modern technology which was hella lame. I guess it did help me appreciate nature more, it also left me bored more often. I walked back into the house after passing the garden in which Fiona stood growing some pretty flowers. I sat down on the couch in the living room staring at the ceiling. 

I felt myself slowly drift off into my own little world of imagination. I wonder how the kids would react to the modern world. Why can't they? Why do they have to stay here again? I don't think I ever got an explanation for that. Why do I have to stay here? I mean I don't mind it but how long have the other been here? If the loop was created in the 1940s then they have been here for about 60 years. Jesus Christ how could they do the same day over and over again?

"Y'know this loop isn't all sunshine and rainbows," A strong accented voice rung out snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down and saw the scowl of the pudgy 12 year old. Was his name...Eno...Eno something. 

"Huh?" I questioned out loud. What does he mean by that?

"There's a reason why we can't leave and why soon you won't be able to either," He spoke out mysteriously. I noticed that he was holding a piece of clay...why? What a weird kid. 

"Oh," I mumbled out not knowing how to reply. "Could you...tell me?" I asked sliding closer to where he stood so he knew I was interested in the conversation. 

"Nah," He shrugged with a glare and walked towards the basement. "You should ask Millard and Emma about what happened to Victor, or maybe you could ask him yourself. He's in the last room at the end of the hallway upstairs." With that he left me alone once again in the living room. 

Who's Victor? I feel a sudden foreboding sensation wash over me, like he just spoke about something that was forbidden. I was kinda curious though, what did he mean when he said I wouldn't be able to leave? Should I ask Emma? Enoch I think his name was, said that I could ask Victor himself, yet I haven't seen a Victor here. Was he just messing with me? A wave of indecision hit me and I had no clue what to do. Should I ask Miss P about it tomorrow? I mean I did start my lessons then. 

"A penny for your thoughts?" Emma's voice spoke out, taking a seat next to me. Now's my chance should I ask or not? I looked at her as I was internally panicking. Yet her brown eyes seemed to soothe me to a slight calm. 

"Who's Victor?" My question seemed to strike a cord in her as she froze up, her eyes widening. Oh no this was a terrible thing to do, I shouldn't of said anything. 

"Who told you that?" She asked sharply, her eyes narrowing. I felt myself shrink as I wished I never said anything. I hated getting in trouble and the fact that she seemed to be scolding me at the moment made me want to cry. I didn't want to rat out Enoch though because what if he hates me then? 

"U-uh," I stuttered not knowing what to do. 

"It was Enoch wasn't it?" Emma seethed clenching her fists. 

"Don't get him in trouble!" I exclaimed. "I don't think he meant any harm." I knew what I said was a pure lie. I could tell he wanted me to doubt this place and leave but still, I just can't be mean back to him. That would make me as bad as him, and I'm sure he has his reasons. 

"Don't bother trying to cover for that weasel," Emma growled. "He's purely rotten." I'm sure that isn't true, he kinda gives me 'I don't actually hate you I'm just scared to care' vibes. 

"Well that's a bit rude," I grumbled furrowing my eyebrows. "But that doesn't answer my question. Who is Victor and what happened to him?" 

She let out a frustrated sigh, "I can't tell you that."

This left me confused, "Why not?" Instead of answering me she just stood up and left. Well that makes things ten times more ominous and from her reaction I probably shouldn't ask anyone else.

Or I could ask Enoch, try to get on his good side and have him explain the bad things that come with this place. I don't want to irritate him though and he seems to have a bad temper. What to do, what to do. From the way Emma talked about Enoch I'm sure no one else likes him, maybe I can become his friend...aw who am I kidding? Why would he want to be friends with  me anyways? It wouldn't hurt to try. 

I decided to make my way into the basement where I last saw Enoch go. Yet I was stopped. 

"(Y/n)?" Claire asked out. "Do you want to play dolls with me?" I looked over to her, her blonde curls falling neatly onto her shoulders. She gave me a pleading look with her blue puppy dog eyes. Become friends with Enoch or disappoint Claire? I could always be friends with him later on, so with that I nodded towards the young girl. Which now that I think about it...how old is she really? If they are about 60 years older than I thought she would be like...66 years old? She dragged me to the front yard where two dolls sat along with some other play things. 

I personally never played dolls before so I have no clue what to do. She sat down, her blue dress puffed around her. I sat down next to her as she handed me a porcelain doll, so creepy. Guess I'll have to postpone my curiosity for the dark side of  paradise.

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