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I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door. Sitting up I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as another knock was heard. I felt disappointed when I slid the nice warm blankets off of me. Shivering a bit, I made my way to my door and opened it revealing Horace? Was that his name?

"Miss P has requested me to see you off to her office immediately," He spoke out sounding very posh.

With a nod I responded, "Okay, but I need to change first." He gave me a curt nod as I shut my door. I dressed as quickly as I could into some baggy cargo shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I totally stood out from everyone else. I glanced out my window to see how sunny it was, how long did I sleep in? Stepping out of my room I walked besides...Horace (?) as we made our way down the stairs.

"I do sincerely hope you are enjoying your time here so far," He spoke in a polite manner. I suddenly got Vietnam flashbacks to the previous night...yeah totally enjoying it.

"It's been...dope for the most part," I replied trying to be nice and not a complete awkward mess. He gave me a strange look and then I realized they didn't know modern slang. "I-I mean it's been nice," I awkwardly chuckled, so much for trying to not be awkward.

"You know, if you ever feel like it," Horace (?) started. "I could give you some...more sophisticated clothes if you'd want."

"Uh...I'll keep that in mind," I smiled feeling slightly insulted. My clothes are all the rave in modern times sorry buddy. We finally got to her office and I entered alone.

"Hello Miss (l/n), everyone is treating you alright?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied fiddling with my fingers slightly. At least the chair was super comfy. That was the start of a slightly long and boring conversation on how she would have me improve my peculiarity. She let me leave for the day making sure I knew that I would have lessons. Great so I am in school. Now that it was around noon, I have no clue what to do. Should I go outside? And do what play sports? Ha, unlikely. I'm not in the mood to read either though. Plus I'd just be that awkward new kid around the others and I don't want to be a bother.

The struggles of a teenager am I right?

I was just gonna head to my room and do nothing, maybe daydream, but I was stopped by Bronwyn.

"There ya are (y/n)!" She exclaimed with a bright smile. "I was wonderin if ya wanted to play a game of tag with us." That doesn't sound too bad, I mean I could do with some exercise.

"Sounds like fun," I smiled back nervously.

"Great!" Bronwyn said grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind her to the backyard. Man she really was strong, I hope my wrist doesn't bruise. In the backyard there stood Hugh, Fiona, Emma, Millard, Claire and Olive.

"Okay some quick rules so everyone is on the same stage," Emma said clasping her hands. "You can use your peculiarity as long as it is still possible to tag you." She glanced at Millard as she said that. So does that mean I could try to shadow travel again or not? I don't want to ask though so I'll just not do it. "No leaving the yard either but you can't go inside."

"Millard's it!" Olive shouted and ran away giggling. He ran towards Claire and Olive so I ran the opposite way. Maybe I could just hide it out? I went into the garden and hid behind a giant t-rex hedge. The shadows covered me pretty well...not to mention I was concentrating on making the shadows cover me but not enough so they couldn't find me. It's a loophole okay, plus now I was playing hide 'n seek instead of tag but oh well.

All of a sudden I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked over and saw Fiona with a giant smile. Okay she's adorable. She dashed away as I got out of my hiding place and looked around for the others. I noticed Emma turn the corner and I followed gaining some speed. She was very far ahead of me though but I was getting close. Then I ran into someone, Millard.

I poked his shoulder and said, "Tag." I ran the other way as I heard him groan behind me, probably not wanting to be it again. I was smiling so much my cheeks hurt, this was the most fun I had in a long time. How funny some kids game that I haven't played since I was 10 was so fun. I could tell the bonds with the others were growing even if we weren't talking.

One time Millard almost tagged Hugh but I made the shadows reach out and teleport him away. "NO FAIR!" I heard him shout but I slightly giggled. Why is it so fun annoying him? He than started to come after me making me run like wild. "Come back here (l/n)!"

"No thank you!" I shouted back. I passed by Emma as she ran right towards him but he didn't even try to tag her. Hey he's pinning after me! Okay than two can play at that game. I focused very hard and thought of making a cloud of shadow so I could confuse him. I heard a gasp and looked behind me to see a fog like shadow, okay that was cool. I ran and hid behind a tree.

I then took a peak and watched as the shadow's dispersed leaving Millard in the middle. He looked around (his hat bobbed back and forth) and crossed his arms before walking off. We continued to play until we were exhausted and nearly dinner.

What a fun day, I'm glad I get to stay here.

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