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Going to normal school AND driving school was turning out to be a real drag. I had to do my normal school day, then almost immediately go to drivers school, then go home and do homework. I could feel myself become overwhelmed by it all. The only thing that seemed to keep me from losing it was Ashley. Without her at school I have no clue what I would do. It was luckily Friday and I have the weekend to look forward to.

Ashley and I walked down the halls and into the cafeteria. Man was the food nasty. If you didn't know, Ashley was very popular. I was the exact opposite. Yet we still had a lot in common so we were the best of friends. Yeah weird, I know. Everyone seemed to watch her as she walked past them. She wore a crop top with some high waisted jeans so it only exposed very little of her pale skin. I, on the other hand, was wearing a large baggy Pearl Jam t-shirt along with high waisted jeans.

Ashley's smile seemed to get wider and wider as we got closer to the cafeteria. I didn't pay much attention to that though, I mean we were both weird in our own ways. I followed her as she took a seat next to Rich. What a bummer, I'm gonna have to be a third wheel again. I sat across from them as she whispered something to him. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a leather jacket over, paired with some jeans. Ugh a bad boy wanna be. He nodded back at her, his blonde hair bouncing slightly.

I got out my lunch, ready to not speak to anyone for a bit. It was peaceful...well as peaceful as it can get in a rowdy high school, until someone took a seat next to me. I glanced at the person from the corner of my eye only to see Austin. Oh god please tell me Ashley didn't do anything.

"Sup," He said with a nod.

"Sup," Rich and Ashley said back. My plan was to pretend I never saw him...that can't go wrong. A foot kicked me and I looked up at Ash as she gave me a light glare and glanced at Austin. Basically telling me to talk to him. So this was her doing, how great.

"Hey," I mumbled looking back down at my food. Please I don't want to get started with anything.

"So, (y/n)," Ashley started making me look up at her again. "We were all planning on going on a double date, what do you think?" I-is she really gonna do this? I was getting angry, she knew I was too nice to say no to Austin's face and was using that against me. I was feeling really pressured at the moment and I just wish I could get out of this situation. I started to tap the table anxiously as I thought of what I should say. I wish I could just disappear, or magically be at my house and out of this situation.

All of a sudden my entire vision went black. I felt a lump in my throat as everything around me felt cold. Then in the next second I was in my room. Wait I'm in my room? I looked around and stared at my clock. It read 12:35, which was still lunch for school. I glanced at my calendar and noticed that it was still Friday. How did I get here? Especially in such a short amount of time! My legs felt weak and my mind was mush. I stumbled and landed onto my bed trying to process what just happened.

I-it was almost like I teleported. But teleportation isn't real. It can't be! It's just not scientifically possible at the moment. I don't understand, this just, it's so surreal. DREAM! I have to be dreaming! That makes a lot of sense! My anxiety from the real world must've made me imagine this entire thing up. Ashley would never do that to me! Yeah...

My eyelids felt heavy as I slowly laid back onto my bed relishing in the comfort. I curled up and decided some shut eye will do good, then I can wake up from this bizarre nightmare thing.

I woke up feeling more refreshed. I let out a small yawn as the sound of my Nokia phone went off. I picked it up and glanced at the number. Oh, Ashley's calling me, I wonder what about. Man that dream I had was so weird, yet it seemed so real. Whatever. I picked up the call as I heard Ashley talk to me frantically which was unusual.

"What the hell was that (y/n)? Where are you? Are you okay? You literally just disappeared through this weird black portal thing!" Ashley rushed out.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked. "I'm fine what happened again?"

"Did you not hear me?" She exclaimed. "You fucking disappeared into nothing!"

"S-so that wasn't a dream?" I asked in shock. No fucking way do I have powers. People don't get powers like that.

"I..." Ashley trailed off, almost like she was ashamed about something. "I can't be friends with you anymore."

I felt something in me shatter at that moment. My best friend, my only friend, doesn't like me because...I have these freakish powers. That I didn't even know I had till today. I mean it's still processing for me. My eyes started to water and I knew that I couldn't stop the waterfall from falling.

"Wh-wh-what," I stammerd through my sobs. "W-why, I didn't even know I could do that till today. And I didn't mean to do that!"

"You embarrassed me in front of Rich AND Austin," She said sounded embarrassed recalling the events prior. "My reputation would be ruined. I don't mean to open a can on you."

So many emotions were running through me at that moment. The more prominent ones were anger and sadness. "Y-you're a terrible friend and I hate you!" I shouted letting my heart control me. I hung up on her, not wanting another bull excuse.

A knock was heard on my door, "(Y/n), why the hell am I getting a call from your school saying you missed the second half?" My mom sounded furious. Oh lord almighty I don't need to deal with any more negative emotions. What the hell is going on with my life?

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