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I looked over to my friend Ashley. It was my 16th birthday today and it was a total bummer. My mom thought it would be rad if I had a party. What she didn't account was the fact that I only really have one. So it was mostly just family that I didn't care about.

"Yo, home skillet," I called out gaining her attention. "I wish we could bounce out of here."

"It's not that bad," She replied rolling her eyes. Her long auburn hair crimped to the max. Her green eyes held amusement and I could tell she was having some fun watching my family interact. "Plus you only get to turn 16 once."

With a slight pout I responded, "I mean yeah, but that can be said about any age you turn. Why is 16 so important?"

"Oh come on," She groaned at my pessimism. "Just think of the gifts you could get! Maybe you got a computer, how fly would that be!" The thought of getting one of the newest technologies would be hella rad, she was right about that. So I shifted my (e/c) eyes over to the table that currently held all of my presents. None seemed big enough for that and my slight shimmer of hope immediately vanished.

"No way Ash, just look at how small they all are," I said gesturing towards the pile.

"Whatever," With that said, the conversation was over. So I resided to just watching my little annoying rats of cousins argue over nonsense. I wish I could just go to my room, maybe watch Edward Scissorhands again. I let out a sigh as I stood up. I was just about to slip into the nothingness to get away from everyone before my mom stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked crossing her arms.

Not even bothering to lie I told her, "to my room, duh."

"Well it's time for you to open your presents," She said pushing me towards the living room. I sat on the ground as everyone took seats around me, they seemed more excited about this than me. One by one I opened all the gifts. The best one by far was from my rich uncle. He got me BMW M3, it looked hella nice. The worst gift I got was from my grandma who got me a calendar for this year. I don't really need a second calendar of 1994.

Ashley took a seat next to me and smirked, "Not too bad of a haul now is it?"

"No," I mumbled standing up trying to conceal my smile. My family left slowly leaving my mom, Ashley and I to be in the house. "Wanna watch a movie? My mom rented Jurassic Park."

"Definitely," She grinned at me exposing her white teeth. I grinned back and we entered my room. Band posters (mostly Nirvana) hung in my room along with full body mirror in the corner. She jumped onto my huge queen sized bed as I put the VHS tape into the player. I laid down next to her as we began talking again.

"I still can't believe Rich would flirt with Jessica Z," Ash told me with a huge frown.

"Kick him to the curb girl, he doesn't deserve you," I said with a glare. Who could hurt her like that? She was so kind and trusting, not to mention pretty.

Ash sighed like I was a child who would never understand, "You don't get it (n/n), he's the one! He just doesn't know what he's doing."

"Mhmm," I hummed showing her I was still unconvinced.

"Well when are you gonna get a boyfriend huh?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Y'know I heard that Austin may have a major crush on you."

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit at the thought of someone liking me in that way yet shook the feeling away, "I want to take my time, I don't need a guy."

"C'mon, loosen up a bit," Ash whined clinging onto me. "You don't need to be looking for a soulmate right away, you can just date someone for fun."

"But Ash I want to make my decision carefully," I countered. "I don't want to be dating guys just willy nilly. Plus look at me! I'm not too sure how many guys would like me."

"As if!" She exclaimed loudly. "I'm surprised all the guys aren't bowing down to you!"

I rolled my eyes, "Plus I have standards too."

A smirk formed over her face, her eyes looking a bit too mischievous for my liking, "And what would those be?"

"I think pretty boys are cuter for one," I started. "I'm more for personality though. I would want a guy who is sweet but we could have playful banter. A perfect example of my dream man is Luke Skywalker."

She burst into laughter when the name Luke Skywalker fell from my lips. "You mean that guy from Star Wars?" Ash exclaimed still laughing. "You're a total dork!" I felt myself blushing once again, this time from embarrassment.

"O-oh come on," I slightly stuttered. "lots of people like Star Wars."

"Yeah, nerds!" She said still lightly giggling. "Maybe you are hopeless." That statement seemed slightly ironic to me since the first movie was called 'A New Hope'.

"Whatever," I mumbled crossing my arms.

"Don't worry (y/n)," Ash said placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure I can still find someone for you." I quickly looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked in confusion. "All the guys at school a bunch of scrubs."

"Not all of them," She spoke out in mystery. She better not do something I'll regret. "Now come one the movie is getting to the good part!"

I turned my attention back to the screen. Alan, Tim and Lex were all in the tree petting the Brontosaurus or whatever they're called. It was truly a magical scene. Yet I couldn't completely focus on the movie. The scenario of Ashley trying to get me with a guy was playing in my head...and let me tell you it never ended well. I kept fiddling with my hands as I could feel anxiety consume me. My hands started to feel chilly so I looked down only to see black. I could feel my fingers moving but there was nothing there. I started to freak out even more. Ashley looked at me with concern.

"(Y/n)?" She asked out somewhat cautiously. "What's wrong?" I looked down at my hands once more, her following my line of sight. Yet my hands were normal. What the hell happened? I could've sworn they were gone. Maybe I was just imagining it? Yeah that makes sense.

"(Y/n)!" Ash shouted taking me out of my stupor.

"O-Oh!" I responded. "N-nothing, I-uh. Yeah i-it's nothing."

She gave me a disbelieving look but nodded anyways. I let out a small sigh to try and calm myself down further. "Okay, just don't bug out on me again," She said somewhat softly.

"I'll try," I responded sounding more grounded than before.

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