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"Let's start with why you are here," Miss P said with a gentle smile. "Miss (l/n), you are a peculiar." When she said that all I could feel was a whole lot of confusion. Was that supposed to be an insult? "A peculiar is not like the common person," She continued. "They can do something that others can not, for example Emma Bloom. She is able to conjure fire and use it at her will."

Wait a minute. So that light from the cairn (I learned from Emma that is what that cave thing was called) was Emma. So that means I'm not the only one with a power which I guess would make sense.

"S-so what exactly is my...peculiar then miss?" I asked excitedly hoping she knew herself.

Amusement was shown in her birdlike eyes as she told me, "You miss (l/n), are an umbrakinesis. The ability to generate and manipulate shadows." whoah. Okay so that explains the hand disappearing into the inky black...but not exactly the teleporting.

"Some of the abilities your peculiarity can hold are shadow travel, becoming invisible by covering oneself in shadows, seeing well in the dark, form any weapon, absorbing shadows and much more," Miss Peregrine explained. Okay so that's hella rad. "In order for us peculiar's to stay safe we live in loops. Reliving the same day over and over again," She started slowly. Okay wait what? So I'm in a loop which is the same day over again...what day is it than?

"What day is it than?" I asked curiously.

"The day is September 3rd, 1940."

Okay that's a total bombshell (little did I know that would be literal). I think I'm insane. Is this another dream? Or maybe the same dream?

"This must be a lot to take in," She nodded seeing my paling expression. "We shall continue this tomorrow, if you wish to know more about peculiar's I would direct you to talk with Millard. He is quite studious about our history. It seems that it is time for dinner, let us make our way," She spoke standing up. I looked out the window and saw the sun already setting. I stood up and followed her into the dinning room, making sure I can remember the way to her office and the stairs that lead up to my room.

In the room sat a bunch of...peculiar's that seemed well behaved for the most part. There were two empty chairs, one on each side of Emma. One looked like it was already taken so I chose the one the was pushed in.

"Polite person's do not take their supper's in the nude Mr. Nullings," Miss Peregrine scolded...someone. No one in the room was naked though...well until the other empty chair scooted back. Okay so there is an invisible kid.

"No one can see me though," I heard him grumble as he walked passed me. I ALMOST laughed. I felt like I shouldn't though. The children all seemed to be staring at me which wasn't nerve wracking at all. I didn't mean to think it...but the weirdest looking on of them was either a kid with bees all around him or the kid in a suit. I mean who wears a suit like that? I guess apparently it is the 1940s.

Once invisiboy came back wearing some clothes we begane to eat. Well more like I was pelted with a trillion questions.

"Is the future fun?"

"Do you have robot butlers?"

"Is there flying cars?"

And plenty more of the like. So I tried to answer them all.

"The future is alright. No robot butlers. Flying cars aren't a thing either." They mainly seemed disappointed which was understandable. One question stood out though.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The person who asked it looked to be about 12 and was filthy...sorry just stating facts.

"My name is (y/n) and I was supposed to be in a boarding school, but apparently I'm here for protection?" I asked more than stated. I was still processing the whole situation okay?

"What's your peculiarity?" Invisiboy asked in an excited manner.

"Uh-umb...umbra something, I can't quite remember," I muttered sheepishly. How could I forget so quickly?

"Umbrakinesis? That's amazing!" He exclaimed. Okay...not used to complements.

"Th-thanks?" I questioned again. Why couldn't I just say it normally?

"How about you all introduce yourselves now that you got to know our newest member," Miss P ordered more than asked.

First to introduce themselves was a little girl named Claire. Then Bronwyn who had the strength of up to 10 men. Next it was Emma, with Millard after...his peculiarity being obvious. Then it was Enoch who sat at the end of the table. After it was Hugh who had bees living in his stomach (how is that not uncomfortable?) and Fiona who could control plants. Then Olive who was lighter than air. Finally it was Horace who had prophetic dreams...which only sometimes came true. After everyone went to talk among themselves which made me feel left out a bit.

I finished my plate but I didn't get up or leave. I didn't know if I was supposed to wait for everyone finish or not. Yet before I could continue to freak out internally the sound of air raid sirens and planes went off. What the fuck-

"Can we show her? Can we please?" The children started to beg to Miss P. Show me what? An actual bomb? Shouldn't we hide and take cover? I didn't actually think this was the 1940s but the sirens proved enough for me.

Miss Peregrine nodded with a slight chuckle as the kids started to run out of the house. Emma left with them and I didn't want to get left behind so I followed closely. "Put on your masks children!" Her stern voice rang out. Oh no I don't have one. They all put on gas masks and I had no clue what to do.

"Here," Someone next to me said. I looked over and noticed the absence of a face meaning it was Millard. "Put it on." He handed me a gas mask and I quickly put it on trying to not hyperventilate. Not to mention this was like a terrible fear of mine, the creepy history photos of children wearing gas masks and the fear of getting hit by a bomb. Looks like I'm living that moment right now.

I felt someone pat my shoulder in a reassuring way...which didn't help at all I mean come the fuck on. "Don't worry, nothing bad's gonna happen," Millard tried to calm me down. All the kids were laughing which seemed to be directed to me which fuck them for that. I'm literally having a panic attack. Then the devil seemed to posses them all as they sang a song.

Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Don't give the farmer his fun, fun, fun
He'll get by without his rabbit pie
So run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run

The bomb fell and landed perfectly on Adams finger before the world went white. Did I die? Is this what death is like? No I still felt Millard's hand on my shoulder. So then what the fuck is going on? Suddenly the world reversed. The bomb flew back up and the sun came up and set in the opposite way. Okay so this is a loop and this is all happening. Yup I'm totally sane.

Miss P took her mask off and smiled gently to us all, "Time for bed now, Miss Bloom would you show Miss (l/n) back up to her room again?" I took my mask off and Emma came up to me.

She gave me a look of concern before asking, "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah," I muttered still shaking from that terrible 'joke' they played on me.

"You're crying," She stated with a frown.

"She was a bit startled," Millard spoke up making me jump in shock. Forgot he was still there, he's pretty quiet.

"More like scared shitless," I mumbled to myself but I could tell they both heard.

"Well its getting late, I'll bring you to your room," With that said I was in my room staring at the ceiling. The adrenaline from the bomb was keeping me up but I just dealt with it.

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