Chapter 43

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“Done what?" Dean replied with caution in his voice. Charlie could get really excited about the contraptions she made for Dean so he didn't want to get his hopes too high.

"Made the perfect ham salad, just enough pasta, not too much mayo - what do you think you idiot! I think I've figured it out. I found an old OLD recipe in a ANCIENT lore book and it can cause paralysis but it also reverses it! I think this is it Dean!"

For a moment Dean didn't know what to do or how to respond. He looked over at Gabe, who was still stood there, to see he had a matching expression of shock. Gabriel met Dean's glance, and with a still cautious expression on his face said," right, I'll go round everybody up then." and headed towards the door. As he reached the door Dean called after him, "just Sam and Cas, if this doesn't work I can't stand the idea of everyone giving me sympathetic smiles. " Gabe nodded and left.

The archangel returned minutes later with Sam and Castiel, Sam's bed hair being the only sign he had been a sleep moments before.

Charlie explained the process, the idea behind the recipe, how quickly it would work, every detail. She spoke passionately for ten minutes before Sam gave a kind smile and asked for them to get started. To this she nodded and started pulling things out of the bags she had come with.

The four worked around Dean swiftly. Organising the room, rereading parts of the lore to make sure everything was perfect. Dean felt guilty as he lay there watching, unable to lift a finger to help. A glance at the clock told him it was 4.29am.

For a second the gravity of the situation hit Dean. Here were four people in the middle of the night doing everything they can to help him. They didn't have to, they could of given it up as a lost cause but they didn't. He could understand Sam, even Cas but Gabriel and Charlie, these were just two people who's lives he had walked into only a few months ago. It hit Dean like a punch to the gut, they had found their family. They had found their home.

After 23 minutes and 58 seconds everything was in place. The boys stood back as Charlie took her place next to the bed, book in one hand, a gross green potion looking thing in the other. She smiled nervously at Dean, "ready?" she asked. "You've got this" he responded.

Charlie began the chants as the boys lit the candles. Dean focused souly on her, as if his life depended on it. He watched as the worry lines on her forehead disappeared as she became more comfortable with the text.

Just as Charlie got her flow she paused to assist Dean in drinking the potion, her hand shaking slightly as her nerves resurfaced.

It tasted vile, he knew that wasn't the point, it was a life saving, changing potion, but would it of killed the creator to add some honey, or even a hint of vanilla?

As Charlie reached the end of the final verse the candles went out, typical spell style. The five all stayed motionless in place for a moment, scared to even breathe incase it disrupted the magic sitting heavy in the air.

Dean began a silent prayer in his head which caused Cas to move towards him to hold his hand. The movemyn from Castiel caused everyone to come back into the moment. Charlie went for the lights as Sam walked over to his brother. "how do you feel?"

"I don't know, not worse so I guess that's good." Dean replied trying to be upbeat however the glare off Sam and Cas told him to be serious. Dean lay for a moment breathing. He closed his eyes and decided he wanted to sit up, something he had tried to do hundreds of times, however this time when he opened his eyes he had managed to do it. He was sat up. Dean sat up. On his own. He could do it. He raised one arm and then the other before erupting into laughter.

For a second the group stared at Dean as if he had gone mad, as if they couldn't believe their eyes, but the laughter was infectious.

After 10 minutes Dean had hopped out of bed (used the bathroom alone for the first time in forever) and had changed out of the horrible t-shirt Jo had forced him go wear because she thought it looked good.

"We should tell the others," Charlie piped up, they might want to know. As Sam started agreeing Gabriel interrupted, "let's not be boring. Dean can move again, the man we all thought would live his life out as useful as a mushroom is actually moving. We have an opportunity to shock them all." Sam rolled his eyes but Dean, still in his good mood agreed. "it's almost 7:30am, may as well make everyone breakfast before they get up."

And with that he started heading to the door, ignoring the "Ellen will kill you if you use her kitchen" warning being shouted after him.
Today was a good day.

Pretending to be Married (destiel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora