Chapter 11

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They filled the quick walk back with trash talk about coffee.

Dean was determined he was right and Cas was equally as stubborn about it. They got inside and Dean went straight to the cupboard to grab the coffee they had bought earlier. "Take a seat and watch how its done." He grinned at Cas who just sighed at him before sitting on the chait closest to him. "I may not have many skills Castiel, but coffee making is one of my finest."

At this Cas rolled his eyes, of course Dean, one of the best hunters and hero's, the world has ever seen, would say that coffeee making was one of his finest skills.

After a few minutes Dean plonked a steaming mug infront of Cas before sitting opposite him with his own. He blew on it before taking a sip and smiling, damn this is good he thought to himself. If Dean had someone to bet with he'd bet his car that Cas would enjoy it. Cas smelt the coffee before taking a sip and... Yelling in pain.

He had not checked how hot it would be and had taken a massive gulp. Dean sprang into action grabbing a cup and filling it with cold water before handing it to Cas who now had tears running down his face. Dean knew that it was much because of the pain, it was mostly the shock. "You absolute idiot Cas." he said fondly. Thankfully Castiel picked up on that and smiled a little between gulps of the cold water.

Once Cas's mouth had cooled a little he took another sip. Thankfully by this point the coffee had cooled and their wasn't a re run of the previous incident. And dammit, now that it didn't feel like it was trying to peel away the top layers of skin in his mouth it tasted really good. In fact, it was so good that he couldn't help but let out a little moan of pleasure. He looked at the hunter and smiled "Dammit, you were right."

Dean got up quickly after the moan to his the blush that had crept onto his face. He had made Cas moan like that. As Castiel finished his coffee, and then gotten another one, Dean made tea. His famous burgers. Growing up in motel rooms Dean had had to get creative over the years and one thing that Sam had always loved was his burgers.

He plated them up with some potatoes and layer the table. They sat down and began eating. At first the meal was shared in an akward silence but after a few minutes Cas started asking about how Dean had made them, and when Dean refused to tell him the secret recipe, Castiel then quizzed him about what other things he had made over the years.

He found out that Dean enjoyed cooking and being able to have a bunch of ingredients and having to invent something out of them was one of his favourite things to do, "But if you tell anyone Cas, I swear I'll deep fry your wings." Cas had put his hands up in mock surrender before continuing with his meal. "I won't tell another soul."

After they had cleaned away their meal they quickly changed their shirts and headed out.

Their wardrobes were in opposite sides to each other so they had an excuse not to look at each other and make eye contact when they were both shirtless, however without the other knowing, they both snuck a quick glance through their mirrors before looking away and smiling.

At 7:20 the boys left their cabin and made their way towards the pub, an awkward distance apart.

They got to the steps and Cas looked over to Dean wordlessly praying he would go up he 3 steps to the door first, much to Castiel's relief he did. "Wait." Cas said as Dean grabbed the door. Castiel walked up the last step so that he was on the same level as Dean. Once there he looked at the hunter and smiled, he brushed a few crumbs off the shirt that were the remains of a sneaky biscuit Dean had needed before they went out. "Okay, let's go." He smiled at Dean.

Dean opened the door for Cas to walk in first, the angel accepted the offer and even blushed slightly at the thoughtfulness that Dean had shown. Walking in they could see Charlie and Anna already sat in the corner talking. It confused Cas as to why they were there as they seemed to get one so well. He had to remind himself of something Sam would often say, you never know what happens behind closed doors. Which is completely correct.

Dean pulled Castiel's arm, as he had slowed down, over to where the bar was and ordered two beers before walking over to the two red heads. "Hiya guys," he smiled at them. Both Anna and Charlie smiled in return and politely asked how the boys were. Cas could see that Anna was over thinking something so smiled and said "What's wrong Anna?" She laughed at herself as if realising she was being daft, "What did Dean mean about showing you good coffee?" At this Cas chuckled and told both Anna and Charlie the argument they had had in the store, occasionally Dean would chip in so that the story was light as Cas told it as fact, not thinking to add jokes.

By the time Meg and Cam had arrived they had moved on to stories about Cas threatening a man who had ran out of pie and Charlie arguing with a woman about milk. The couple sat down with their drinks a little confused as to what was going on. Soon enough they had joined in and added a few stories of their own.

When everyone was near the end of their drinks Meg smiled, "Right, I'll get the next round in. As it is officially Dean and Castiel's first night with us to celebrate we are drinking until we can't stand and were playing truth or dare like we're 21 again. Clear?" She got up and walked to the bar. Cas had only drink a handful of times, the first being his almighty bender, as Cas worried slightly at our much alcohol he would have to consume, Dean secretly smiled, Cas never had the chance to do this and Dean was going to make sure it was a great night Cas wouldn't remember. Hell, Dean thought, this is going to be fun.

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