Chapter 10

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They decided to get a small snack from the canteen straight after the session as it was too early for tea but they had missed lunch. They reached the doors and Dean let go off Castiel's hand, showing no interest of holding it again once they were inside.

They grabbed some juice and a cake before turning to see where to sit. Dean spotted Sam and made a beeline for him with Cas in his wake. "Hey bitch," "How's it going jerk?" The two brothers looked at each other and smirked. They were so used to spending nearly all of their time together and these last few days it felt like they had barely seen each other. Neither would like to admit it as it went against the no chick flick moments policy that had but they missed talking and spending time together.

Dean asked Sam about how his job was going and Sam told dean about what his accommodation was like and how the staff were nice but there was this one guy, Gabe, who was kinda annoying but Sam kinda liked him as well. Sam asked Dean how counseling was and he complained how dull it was and how awkward it was and that he doesn't like talking about emotions and definitely doesn't want to do it again. Both of them laughed at each others problems and made sarcastic comments about how the other brother was a whiny bitch and that they had it worse.

All the while Castiel sat and watched. He had watched many human interactions over the years and countless ones between siblings but watching Sam and Dean communicate will always be his favourite. They were in sync when working and knew what each other were thinking before they even acted on it. They understood each other and were like a well oiled machine. However Cas liked it best when they were like this, just being brothers, being normal.

Seeing these two have a fleeting moment of normality before the job took over again was like magic to Castiel. He cared for the boys very much and being able to see them have a moment where they were not hunters who are desperately trying to save the world and each other whilst losing so many dear people, to see them have a moment where they forgot the immense weight on their shoulders of what they had seen and done, to see a moment where they are brothers, nothing more, nothing less would never fail to make Cas smile.

He sat back and watched the exchange, perfectly content in the moment. His two favourite people, together, safe and happy.

He knew there moment couldn't last and the topic of conversation quickly turned to the hunt. Sam hadn't found much yet, he would need a few more days to hack into the files.

"They have this dude called ,Ash, who is away with the owner Bobby at the moment, who is literally a genius. Gabe was telling me about him and it sounds like he is one of the smartest guys alive. The way he has encrypted some of the files on the main system is incredible-" "But can you get through it?" Dean asked impatiently."Dean I honestly don't know, I think Ash is too good for me." The taller Winchester replied causing dean to rub his eyes in frustration"Well then, what now?" He sighed "I try again, Dean I haven't exhausted all my methods so far, its just finding time to get onto a computer when I know I won't be watched or caught." "Dammit."

Suddenly Sam stood up, "Crap, I'm late, I've got a meeting. I'll-i'll catch up with you later." He yelled as he ran from the building leaving a pissed looking Dean behind him. "It's alright Dean we'll figure something out we always do." Cas spoke softly, placing a hand on Dean's shoulder that Dean then shook off.

Before he had chance to make a sarcastic remarks at Castiel's optimism Charlie and Anna sat opposite them.

"Hey bitches" Charlie was obviously as lively as ever, bursting with conversation. She was in the middle of telling Dean and Cas, with the occasional input from Anna, how they had played laser tag today and that they should do it as a double date sometime when two trays clattered down, one next to Dean, the other opposite, next to Charlie. "Ooh hey guys, I was just telling these two about laser tag" Charlie grinned at the new arrivals.

Dean turned to see Meg sit next to him and a man he'd never seen before, whom he assumed was Meg's husband: Cam.

She had explained earlier that she was pansexual and he was bisexual, meaning that they weren't a straight couple, even if it may look like they are. She said that they had gotten a lot of dirty looks in the beginning from other couples but Cam had asked if they could hold a meeting to explain that they were pan and bi and just because they were with someone of the opposite sex did not mean that at this period of time they were straight.

Cas had nodded the whole way through, fascinated by what Meg was saying. Meanwhile Dean sat and secretly reavaluated his life. Just because he was mostly with women didn't mean he was straight. He had always had a nagging at the back of his head that he maybe liked guys as well but had always told himself he was straight because he preferred girls. He now realised he could be bisexual and still prefer one sex over the other. The conversation with Meg had cleared a few things up for him personally and he was glad the jumble had been sorted out.

He came back to reality as they were making plans for tonight. At 7:30 they go to the pub for a drink and were inviting Dean and Cas. They accepted and decided to head back home, they had been there for a couple of hours and going home now would allow Dean to put the tea on so they could eat before going out later.

As they go up to walk out Dean looked at Cas and smiled "Now I'm gonna show you what real coffee tastes like."

I hope y'all are enjoying this, it's a lot of fun to write. Please leave comments to tell me what you think

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