chapter 31

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It was Sam. Of course they sent Sam.

The giant of a man stumbled through the trees with an annoyed look on his face and twigs filling his hair.

"Why" he moaned As they came in to view, "Why would you trek all the way out here, it's just trees and mu-of wow."

Seeing the picturesque scene he understood why this would be the perfect place to escape.

He plopped himself down next to the pair and grabbed for some leftover food before explain that everyone had tried to have a meeting today but then when they couldn't be found it turned in to a man hunt for the boys. Apparently after 3 hours of searching Charlie got bored and told Sam where they would be.

Sam started laughing, "she made me swear i wouldn't tell where this place was, she threatened to kill me dude."

The boys packed up and strolled back to the meeting room and in to a very angry crowd. After 20 minutes of being told off Dean and Cas were finally dismissed with the meeting rearranged to the next day.

Dean and Cas walked out grinning like naughty school boys chuckling at how great their day was and how funny it was people had been so annoyed about it all.

Feeling so in the moment Dean grabbed Castiel's hand and swung them in between them. at this Cas couldn't keep the grin off of his face. He couldn't think of a more wonderful day. Getting to spend the day with Dean and then go home with him holding hands, it was perfect.

As those two headed home Sam was still inside the meeting room making a plan to go to dinner with Jo, Charlie and Anna. The four where deciding on where to go when Gabe swooped in and broke them up. 

"Sorry ladies, but this fine young thing is mine tonight, you have a grand night though!" he smiled at them all. Sam's face quickly changed from happy to annoyed.

"I am making plans with my friends, Gabe, so how about you back off?" Sam snapped back. Much to his annoyance, Gabe chuckled at this, "not what you were saying the other day Sammy."

At this the girls all looked confused at Sam who had turned bright red. "fine," he huffed, "if I go out with you this one time will you leave me alone?" Gabe grabbed Sam's hand, winked at the girls and said "honey, you wont be able to leave me alone after tonight." as he pulled Sam out of the building and towards the flats.

Realising they were not going to have this date in public Sam tried to get Gabe to change his mind and direction, however his complaints fell on deaf ears and there was no way in hell Sam could wiggle his hand free from the angel grip it was encased in. The most he could do to show his reluctance was drag his feet, not that Gabe noticed. When they were a couple of minutes away from the apartments Sam realised that Gabe had been uncharacteristically quiet, like not said a word quiet. "So what are we gonna do?" he tried. No reply came. "are we gonna order in food?" he tried again. No answer. "fine, i can do silent treatment as well" he huffed and the pair fell back in to the silence.

Gabe's apartment was on the third floor and was the only one on it so his apartment was the biggest in the building. It was nothing like Sam's and was way more cosy and warm then Sam had expected from the angel. The walls were all painted white with mostly silver furnishings. If he was honest with himself, Sam expected more colour, but then it dawned on him, white is the colour associated with the archangel Gabriel and well Gabe was a little self assured. As Sam took in his surroundings Gabe had moved to the kitchen so Sam followed. One the side were 7 mugs: blue, yellow, pink, white, green, gold and violet; archangels colours. Gabe hadn't completely disregarded his family, Sam thought, he respected him for that.

The angel was stood leaning against the counter drinking a cup of water with his eyes closed and Sam didn't know what to do. He turned his back on Gabe to take in the rest of the apartment, noticing the colours dotted around, suddenly he was spun around and put against the wall and Gabe's mouth was on his.

Sam stood frozen for a moment in shock before he started kissing back. Gabe's hands were still pinning Sam by his arms to the wall and he was kissing him with full force. Neither of them had time to think because the kissing took over everything.

After a while, Gabe let up and smiled. "I mean if you want a date in public, we can go out," he smirked at the breathless human in front of him. Instead of responding Sam pulled him back in, and with a grin on his face Gabe led them to his bedroom#


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