Chapter 13

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To say that the hunter and the angel had a bad head the next morning was an understatement.

As the sun began to shine through the light colored curtains, Dean began to think back to life as a vampire because dammit I must be one again. He buried his head further under the covers, whining slightly at the light that was glowing behind his eye lids. Everything ached and he was not moving for shit.

Castiel began to wake as the bed began to move. The next thing that hit him was the blinding light burning his brain. He buried his head deeper into his pillow to hide away. He had never had a head this bad before, it was horrific. Why do people drink? Everything ached and he was not moving for shit.

However, 2 hours later, they did move for shit. In Dean's case, quite literally. He grumbled to himself as he moved away from the warmth of the angel and pulled back the covers. Cas moaned as the cold air hit his legs. Grunting an apology, Dean stumbled towards the toilet.

Why did I drink? Dean sat on the toilet, his head in his hands, desperately trying not to fall asleep. He thought about being surprised that he had been so comfortable cuddled with Cas, but he couldn't be bothered. It was too much effort to even think about lying.

A small smile crept onto face. He had cuddled with Castiel.

As he began his short wonder back to bed, there was a knock on the door. Dammit. He turned and began walking down the stairs when Cas appeared by the door, leaning on the frame from the effort. "Go back to bed," Dean barely whispered. "I'm-" both Cas and Dean winced at the volume of the angel's voice. "I'm up now," he said much quieter than before as he started to stumble towards the stairs.

Dean glanced at the clock on the wall, checking the time: 12:37. That would make more sense as to why someone was outside. He unlocked the door to an annoyed looking Sam.

The light that shone through the door made Dean squint and he heard a moan behind him from Cas. "Ooh. My. God. I am actually going to kill Gabe, I'm not even kidding." he pushed his way past Dean and walked into the house. Dean closed the door thankfully and leaned against it, "I mean he is nice and everything but he is always there, like he can- what is up with you two?"

The taller Winchester glanced from his brother to the angel and back again. Then something clicked,"It was you two wasn't it?" To this Cas cocked his head, "Wha, what do you mean?"

Sam sighed, "It was you two that were up most of the night sat in the park, wasn't it?" Unable to stand much longer Dean went to lean against the sofa, "In our defense, it wasn't just Cas and me, it was a couple of others as well." "Do you have any idea how loud you where? The entire complex heard your rendition of we like to drink with Cas!" He shook his head, "You're unbelievable, we've been here for less than a week and you've already found drinking buddies and informed the entire place."

Dean had decided at this point that Sam had told them off enough and began to walk towards the kitchen, coffee calling his name. "What did you actually come here for Sam?" Cas muttered. Thank you Cas, that will stop him going on. Cas must have heard as he covered up a bit of a chuckle with a cough.

"Well," Sam began, "He keeps following me and talking to me and he literally pops up out of no where and he doesnt stop talking and sure he's nice but I'm trying to work and he is always there and I guess its sweet that he wants to help me but he's just getting in the way. I trued to tell him this politely and first and now I just outright say it and he isn't even bothered he just carries on behind me, checking me out, like actually telling me how good I look and I don't know, what do I do?!" And with that Sam took a massive breath in.

"So you've found an admirer?" Dean smirked as he turned round with two cups of coffee. He handed one to Cas and one to Sam before grabbing his own and sitting down at the table. Sam slumped into the chair opposite him, "Yeah and he's annoying as hell." "Is he cute though?" At that Sam choked on his drink, "What?!" "Is he cute?" "What do you mean Dean?" "Is he good looking, hot do you want me to say it in a different language becau-" "I get you point." Sam said grumpily. Dean was copying what he had said to him a couple of days ago to piss him off.

Cas grabbed himself another cup of coffee before sitting down next to Dean. "Ask him on a date." The angel said simply.

Sam open his mouth to protest, "The blush on your face clearly shows that you clearly find him attractive and as he is constantly flirting with you, your feelings are obviously not one sided, therefore you should ask him on a date." Sam sighed and looked down,"Cas, its not always that simple buddy."

At this Castiel cocked his head questioning and Dean glared at his brother, threatening him not to say anymore.

The conversation was left at that.

Sam ate lunch (breakfast for Cas and Dean) with them, they chatted a little about the site and what there was to do, Sam reminded the boys they had a session tomorrow and suddenly it was 2pm and Sam really had to go.

And all of a sudden they were alone together. Neither spoke as they sat at the table, both worried about how much the other remembered and how much they didn't.

They ended up, as they always do when they don't know what to say, staring at each other. Not an unfriendly stare. The kind of stare that takes time. That says thousands of words but absolutely nothing. It doesn't help either, but it stops them from saying anything they might regret, anything they think will make things awkward.

Cas moved first. He smiled at Dean, took the mugs from the table before excusing himself to get dressed. He left Dean alone with his thoughts. When Cas came back down he told Dean he was going to go for a walk to clear his head and to see if there were any activities he could sign them up for.

All of a sudden, Dean was left alone.

His thoughts were clouding everything and he couldn't think straight. As he always did when he was over thinking. Dean grabbed a price of paper and wrote a letter.

He'd started doing this when he was young. Writing letters about what he was actually feeling and thinking so not to burden others with it. Once it was all on the page, the hunter never thought twice as he grabbed the nearest available lighter with the intent to let it go up in flames.

So this is the last update of the year. I've wrote a couple of mini Christmas fics and hopefully brining out a new years one tomorrow. Happy new year guys

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