Chapter 25

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The Emergancy meeting was to be held that night, that way everyone who needed to be there could be there.

The wait for Dean was excruciating. He was curious and he needed answers as to what was going on. Bobby had refused to talk any more about when Dean asked and quickly left to inform the others of the plan.

Cas, admittedly,was curious as well but unlike Dean was not pacing up and down the cabin muttering to himself.

Castiel had seen Dean when they were stuck in a rut on a case, it was much the same as it was now. The pacing without stopping, the crinkles in his forehead and the constant grumbling. 'Typical dean' Cas sighed.

"Dean come and sit down this  won't he-" "What and sitting down will?!" Dean snapped back at Cas. At this the angel got up and headed to the door.

"Where are you going?" "Out." And with that Cas was gone.

Dean shook his head angrily and sighed. That damn angel had been spending too  much time  around, well, him. Of all of dean's mannerisms trust Cas to pick up on that one.

Castiel didn't know where he was walking he just was. He doesn't know if anyone saw him or said hi as he was off in his own head, angry ranting about Dean.

The day was dragging, the unknown stressful. He knows Dean has more a past rooted into the goings on, but he was just  as involved. Cas just didn't  get it. Why does Dean always insist on being a drama queen?

He was so deep in thought he didn't notice Sam wander past him, although Sam was just as guilty.

Sam's mind was tripping over itself. There had been an emergency meeting called but he didn't know what over. Had everything come to a head with gabe? Was he about to be yelled at? fired? When jo told him he could see from the look in her eye that it was unexpected, out of the blue and exactly what she said it was: an emergency.

The place was restless. The staff stressed. Confusion and anticipation filled the  air of the campus throughout the day.

Until finally it was time.

At 9pm every one made their ways to the meeting room in silence.

The anticipation was almost too much.

Hi. It's not much but here ya go

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