Chapter 20

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Cas nodded sending the same message Dean's way. He sighed and walked through the door Dean had opened for him, placing a smile on his face at the sight of Jo.

"Hey Guys." Jo smiled up from where she was sat, "How've you been?"

Cas waited for Dean to answer, but his words never actually came. "We've been okay Jo." A fake smile covered his face again. She looked up and properly looked at the boys before rolling her eyes in disbelief, "Don't lie to me. I'm trained to spot lies." The tone of her voice left no doubt in Castiel's mind that they were being told off.

When neither of the boys said anything she continued. "Ever since Dean walked into this room he has been looking anywhere but at me or you Cas." Dean lifted his head up go look at Jo and opened his mouth to say something, "Don't interrupt me Dean. You're showing clear signs of embarrassment and discomfort and awkwardness." She glared at him, daring to contradict her. He said nothing.

Next she turned onto Cas, "And you. You have glanced over to Dean six times already and you've only been in the room two seconds." She sighed. "You've clearly had an argument and it's gone unresolved and you've been pretending that everything's fine. I swear to god, if either of you lie to me I will send you home right now. I know neither of you like talking about your feelings but you have to park that crap at the door otherwise this is pointless."

She looked at them both expectantly, waiting for her words to full sink in. Slowly the boys looked up at her and nodded, Cas before Dean.

"Right, now we've got that out of the way, when I went to your house the other day Cas was setting up on the sofa and Dean was heading for the bed. I want to know why, thoughts and has the situation changed?"

Dean glanced out of the window before taking a breath to answer. This was going to be a long one.

Unknown to Dean his brother was lying just by the side of the window after just falling over.

He had tried to style it out but there had been no hope and the moose sized man was now lying on the floor taking a minute to himself.

"Urgh." He knew he looked like a disaster, but he really didn't care. He'd had a crap couple of days and just needed time to himself, even if it was on the cold pavement in the middle if the day.

All of a sudden there are feet in front of him. He looks up slowly, praying it's not who he thinks it is. He groaned and out his head back to the floor when he caught a glance of the face he had been dreading. "Not today", he muttered, not really sure if he was talking to himself or Gabe.

The chuckle he heard from above him told him that he'd probably said it way to loud. "What's up Samsta?" Gabe asked, bending down so that he was just above Sam's head.

"Please leave." Was all Sam replied with, not wanting to look up. He wasn't 100% why he was still lying on the floor, it was a very not Sam thing to do, but then again so was kissing a guy who had pissed him off.

"You don't mean that Sammy." Gabe pulled at Sam's hair until Sam had to move with it so it wouldn't hurt. "See I knew your long hair had a use" Gabe giggled holding Sam's head by his hair in one hand and supporting his chin in the other. "What's up moose?"

When Sam responded with a glare and not words have looked down and sighed, "Come on Sam, what's wrong?" There was no sign of any thing but kindness in his voice and eyes.

Sam pulled away and sat up, learning against the wall. "I silly like this job, these people, this place." Gabe tilted his head slightly, confused. "And then I go and fall out with you, the guy everyone loves and then to top or off, I kiss you." Sam sighs, not looking at Gabe, "What is wrong with me?" Without saying anything Gabe moved to sit by Sam against the wall, arms touching.

"I'm sorry I pushed you, I really am Sam, don't let whatever happened between us impact your being here." Sam just nodded and then for a while they just sat there. It was a comfortable silence in an uncomfortable sitting area. Gabe would add the odd comment to try and get Sam to chuckle or at least smile.

"Why are you being nice to me?" He muttered finally. Gabe elbowed him, "You're a pretty great kisser and I'd love to feel those lips again."

And the moment was over.

Sam rolled his eyes and made to get up from the floor. Everything seemed to crack on his way up making him question how long he'd been there. He looked at Gabe who was still sat on the floor, "You had to cheapen the moment." He complained before walking off, leaving Gabe leaning against the wall.

On the other side of the wall the session that Cas and Dean were having with Jo was coming to an end.

They had explained how they were now sleeping in the same bed and that they were mostly fine. Dean mentioned that he had wrote a letter and Cas had found it when he wasn't supposed to. Jo saw that this was still a fresh wound so tactfully changing the subject promising the boys that they would go back to it.

Cas had told Jo that they had some couple things planned and that talking to the other couples there had been helpful.

Dean revealed that he had been to the bar that morning and Ash had been really helpful in getting him to face Cas and go to the meeting.

Both admitted that their communication skills left a lot to be desired and Jo told them she would sort out some activities to help with that.

All of this was wrote down on the notepad on Jo's knee that Dean so desperately wanted to read.

"Dean for the last time, so trying to read what I've written," Jo sighed. Cas couldn't help but smile, he loved the curious streak that ran through Dean. It was often coupled with suspicion, which is what hunting does to you, but that aside dean was just playing nosy and it fascinated Cas, it made him want to show Dean the world, satisfy his curiosity.

"Can't I know anything? It is about me!" Dean sounded like a sulky child. "That's not how it works Dean, I'd you'd have read the contact you signed, you'd know this."

Dean went to say something again but a gentle tap on his knee from Cas stopped him. He looked over at the smiling angel who soon his head, a silent "please give it up before she hits you." Deciding that Cas was probably right Dean stayed silent ads Jo scribbled down a couple more things.

When she was done she looked up at them, "Right two days time is your next meeting and it'll be worth Bobby. He's my step dad and actually surprisingly great at this. He'll take even less shit them I do so don't piss him off. Okay?"

Both the boys nodded and got up to go, "Thank you Jo." Cas smiled, "Yeah thanks." Dean added in. "Cya boys" she smiled.

Dean held open the door for Cas to go out first. As Castiel walked last him, he grabbed his free hand, much to Dean's surprise. He didn't pull away.

Jo noticed this and smiled to herself as the door closed, they'll get there she thought.

Hope y'all are having a good day and enjoyed :)

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