chapter 33

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I fell from heaven. A place that's perfect and beautiful. A place that is so outstanding nothing can compare.
But then I saw you and you are perfect and beautiful and so outstanding nothing can compare.
You changed me and my outlook and I don't know how to thank you.
I have all the languages of the world to tell you what you mean to me and yet none are satisfactory.
I love you Dean Winchester. You are all the good of humanity wrapped in to one flannel covered man.
You deserve the whole entire world. Heaven is not good enough for you. I am not good enough for you.
You showed me what it is to be good. A pure kind of good, something heaven will never achieve.
I am blessed to know you. Of all the miracles ever, you and I meeting is my favourite.
You are so much better at putting in to words your thoughts, I am rambling and piecing together sentences with no order. But when you come to mind everything scrambles and you rearrange my everything. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you,thank you.
You didn't change my life you gave it to me. You made me a better person than I ever was angel and I can never replay that.
I love you for everything you are. Your smile, your music, your sometimes reckless driving, your heart and soul.
You deserve more than anyone will ever be able to give you but I will try every single day to give you what you deserve.
I can't word everything I feel but I can hug you and I need to do that right now.
All my love, Castiel X

He must have read the letter 12 times before he finally got up to leave. He didn't know if he could now actually hand Dean this. It left him so vulnerable, and he was not good with feeling vulnerable.

Not to delay, but to delay his return home Cas stopped off at the shop. He grabbed some pie for Dean and some more coffee and restarted his walk back.

There were many couples here, aside from the hunters. They were at all different stages of recovery. It was a lovely somewhat sad scene, everyone trying to fix what they were desperate to keep.

Dean and Castiel may not have been romantically involved before but they had been destroying what they had. Castiel huffed, it was too easy to destroy good things.

Love is great, Castiel had decided this years ago, he had always liked love because it changes the world. He was thinking love was especially great today because for the first time he firmly believed he was in love. He felt vulnerable and powerful and happy. He decided there was no better way to feel.

All of a sudden he was at the front door. Wimping out of giving Dean the letter he shoved it in his back pocket and tried to forget about it as he walked in and surprised Dean with pie.

And let's be honest, Dean might see the pie buying as more of a show of love than the letter writing...

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