Chapter 19: No One to Catch Me

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A/N: If you can, listen to Bravado by Lorde while reading this chapter.

I have only five swift foot steps before I have to jump up. Nothing is stopping me. There is nothing much for me to live for. Except maybe Peeta. But our relationship isn't going to last long now so maybe I should just end it now.

In a matter of a couple of seconds I'm stand up on the roof edge. I quickly look at the world in front of me for the last time. The last time. I turn round and face the door I entered from. I hold out my arms to balance myself and close my eyes. I let out one sob before sniffing to get rid of my sadness. Why?

I lean back and let my feet leave the bricks. The world becomes so slow yet so graceful. My eyes stay shut as I plummet to my death.  

The air hitting my back and running up my sides to not break the path it was meant to stay put to.

It seems to take a while for my fall to end and the impact of my body against the hard ground to make me black out and end up somewhere else I never knew existed. For me to finally live a life wanted to experience.

Suddenly I feel time and the world speed up and in a second all the air around me stops and I become still. Is this the end now? I stay for a short time thinking if I should open my eyes. I feel a tight grip on my body though. I hear a quiet sob and a sudden quick lowering over takes my balance.

I open my eyes up to a figure. My eyes adjusting to the new world I believe I'm in. I then see the blonde colour of the hair and the sadness filling the blue eyes of this figure. I'm still in this world I was wanting so badly to escape a few minutes ago.

"K-katniss?" He chokes out and tears fill my eyes.

"Peeta." I say and immediately wrap my arms around his neck. He starts crying hysterically and wraps his arms tightly around my body. Within seconds, his hands start moving around my back and head, trying to make sure I'm okay. 

"W-WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" He exclaims and buries his head into my shoulder. Sobs come out of my mouth and endless tears run down my cheeks.

"Gale proposed and I said no. I basically flipped out and ran. I wanted to end my life. I'd had enough. I'M SO SORRY!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME! I'M SO SORRY PEETA!" I cry and kiss his cheek to make sure he will forgive me.

"You freaked me out so much. You told me you'd never do anything like that but you did! Don't do anything like that again." He begs and I nod repeatedly against his head. We let the sobbing and screaming die down before we look at each other.

We share a long and passionate kiss. Both our hands find their way into hair and I grip ontp his like it was my lifeline. Which Peeta is. We separate and look into each others red eyes, messed up hair and tear stained cheeks. "Come inside." I murmur and Peeta nods, neither of us caring that my parents would spot us. Now I don't care if they see us. I want to be with Peeta and thy can't stop me.

Peeta places me in his arms and stand up. He walks to the front entrance and slowly opens the door. He peeks inside to see if no one is there. I hear chatting but Peeta pushes the door open wider so I guess everyone is still in the dining room.

We get in and I help Peeta close the door silently. Once we confirm it's closed, we quickly make our way up the stairs and I direct Peeta to my room with my hands.

We get into my room and close that door as well. Peeta looks around before we walk over to the bed. Peeta carefully stands me up beside the bed and he sits against the headboard. He pats his legs and I climb onto them.

Once I'm comfortable, he wraps his arms around my and kisses my head. He rests his head against the top of mine and I close my eyes, keeping in my mind I'm with Peeta and letting go the tragic memory I tried to experenice not even twenty minutes ago.

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