Chapter 10: Her Discovery

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I sit at my dresser and watch myself twirling my boyfriends Christmas present in my fingers. I absentmindedly smile as I remember how Peeta gave it to me last night. I soon sigh as I realise that I'm not able to see him until later this week.

I miss his loving and gentle touch. I want him here. I just want to call him and he'd be able to stroll in the house with no problem. I want this rivalry non-existent. I want more than anything for my parents and his to make up so I can truly love him without all the secret meetings.

But I can't. The only way I can is to sort out my side of this rivalry, but I'm too scared to without the help of what to say from Peeta. I've noticed how good with words he is, he could probably persuade my parents and his but I have to persuade mine.

"What are you twirling in your hand Katniss?" Someone asks and my whole body snaps to the bedroom door. My suddenly tense body relaxes at the sight of Poppy.

"Just a new necklace." I answer and turn back to the mirror the examine the key for the thousandth time today.

"Oh just a new necklace. From who?" She asks and comes up to me.

"From Peeta." I murmur and blush. I hear Poppy quietly squeal.

"Let me see it!" She begs and I turn on my seat and face her. I hold the key in my palm and smile.
"It's beautiful!" She gushes repeatedly. Once she can get a hold of herself, which takes a couple of minutes, she becomes serious.

"The reason I came up was to let you know your mother wants to see you in the living room."

"Oh." I say and tuck my necklace behind my shirt. I stand up and walk downstairs. I quickly reach the living room door even though I took small steps.
I take a deep breath. Please don't be about last night and Peeta. I breath out at my minds request and enter.

I see my mother sitting on the couch on her laptop. Her eyes look up at me before training back to her laptop screen.

"You called me?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, Gale and the Hawthorne's are coming for a Boxing Day dinner tonight at 5." I nod and mentally roll my eyes.

"Anything else I need to know?"

"Please don't be the usual brat you are and make an impression on Gale. I want a marriage proposal between you two soon." My mouth gapes open for two reasons, first she called me a brat. Two, she wants me to be married to Gale soon. I'm only seventeen and absolutely hate him! Doesn't she get that! "That is all." She adds and I walk towards the door.

"I know you weren't with Gale at all last night." My mouth gapes open again and I freeze in the door way. I force myself to move and quickly run upstairs.

I enter my room and close the door, I lean on it and slide down, tears starting to run.

"Katniss?" I see Poppy sitting on my bed.

"I think she knows."

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