Chapter 30: A Certain Magical Duo

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"I'd say that went well." Jaune said happily as he walked with Weiss to grab lunch.

The party the day before was a great time for everyone and really let them all get to know one another. Ren and Nora easily slipped into the group at large and made their way happily with the rest.

"I don't know, the snack selection could have been better." Weiss remarked, gently teasing the taller boy she was walking with.

Jaune laughed nervously, pretty sure he understood the joking manner, but uncertain in the end. "Maybe next time you should get it. You could cater the whole school if you felt like it."

"I don't like most the people in this school." The ivory girl shot back. "I'd rather let them fend for themselves or fight over only a few snacks."

"So evil." He laughed back. "You make war criminals shake in terror."

"Aren't you glad you dodged the bullet of dating me?" Weiss offered, Jaune perking up in surprise.

"Was that an option..?"

"No. No it was not an option."

The blond nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I... I knew that..."

"Oh, of course you did." The Schnee said simply. "Why would you wanna date the pretty, rich girl from a far off land?"

"Quit messing with the poor boy, Weiss." Blake called, meeting up with them just before they made it to the cafeteria. "You're killing the poor single child. Look how lonely he is."

"Guys, it's not that ba~"

"Hmm, you're right." Weiss interrupted. "He does look pretty lonely. Maybe we should get him a dog. Those help, right?"

"I really don't think~"

"No, dogs are just..." Blake shivered in discomfort. "Dirty. And loud."

"Oh come on, I think they're cute."

"They're gross and dumb..."

"How did this go from you guys ignoring me while talking about me being lonely to talking about if dogs are good?" Jaune asked the girls. "I'm not lonely by the way."

"Be quiet lonely boy, the adults are talking." Weiss told the blond as they started to grab their food.

Blake chuckled lightly before silently deciding it was time to stop messing with the boy. "So now that you guys know Ren and Nora, what do you think? A little out there, but good right?"

"Out there is a way of putting it." Weiss remarked, sighing as she realized how that sounded. "They seem fine, it'll just take me a little bit to get use to them."

"That's perfectly alright. If things take time, that's how they have to go." The faunus said, accepting that it takes work to change.

The blond by their side shrugged. "They seem pretty cool to me. The two of them have a great dynamic together."

"Pyrrha got along with them." Blake prompted as she found herself at an empty table for the group. Getting comfortable in place, she looked over to her taller friend. "Maybe the four of you could hang out a bit. Get to know each other better."

"I mean, I'm all for that, but... Why'd you say it so weirdly?" Jaune asked cautiously.

"Because you're completely oblivious." Weiss jabbed, calmly taking a sip of her soup.

Blake chuckled to herself, eyes looking about the mostly empty cafeteria as she did. She knew Pyrrha was doing a photo shoot of some kind, but maybe she could find the pair they'd been talking about before.

Two of Carden's friends sat a few tables down, looking weirdly normal and not like jerks. A rabbit faunus was joking around with a large boy in a simple green shirt. Professor Ozpin was showing two new students around the hall, gesturing in the general direction of the serving area. A blue haired boy sat talking with a blond faunus Blake thought she knew, but there was no real sign of the people she was looking for.

"Were you even listening, Blake?" Weiss asked, crossing her arms. "We were talking about your girlfriend."

"What about her?" The raven haired girl asked, attention snapping back into place.

"She seemed really excited to spend some time with Ruby, didn't she?" The Schnee prompted heavily. "Did you hear why at all?"

"If you're wondering how they are together, don't worry, they're fine. If Ruby or Yang want to share more on that, it's up to them." Blake told the girl simply. "The best way to learn would be to just ask when they get back."

The slight pout on the spoiled rich kid was always funny, the white wearing girl basically always getting her way when her own family wasn't involved.

"Excuse me. Miss Schnee, Miss Belladonna, Mr Arc." The calming voice of Professor Ozpin interrupted, the man calmly stepping to their table with two girls standing behind him. "I was hopping you'd be able to tell our new students a bit about your experience with the school so far."

The headmaster stepped to the side, gesturing towards a red eyed girl with seafoam hair and a much shorter girl with black pigtails and green eyes. The taller of the two smiling brightly at the group.

"Hey there, my name's Emerald."


I am sorry again for the very long wait, it's been really hard to write these past few months, a lot has happened. I want to thank you again for sticking with me through it and being here. Please LIKE the chapters you read, it really helps me out and makes me feel like you want to read my stuff and helps inspire me. That's all from me, as always I am yours truly and forever,
Killian Joyus
A.K.A. BlewNeko

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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