Chapter 10: It's A Date

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Ruby made her way down a corridor, straight towards the magic lift that would take her down to Vale.

"You know... I'm realizing that if this school fell down, half the city would be destroyed." She muttered to herself as she made it to the mystic elevator. "That seems like a design flaw."


The girl turned to see Weiss making her way over, well dressed in a white jacket and gray leggings.

"You ready to go?" The girl in red asked, smiling over at her partner.

After a moment to clear her throat, Weiss nodded with a blush on her cheeks. "Yes... We should get moving."

A quiet trip down to the city and Weiss subtly slipping her hand into Ruby's, and the pair were walking the streets of Vale.

"It's beautiful out here." Ruby hummed, smiling over at Weiss. "I'm glad you asked me to come out with you."

Weiss sighed quietly, a smile pulling at her own lips as well. "I'm just happy you agreed."

Moving hand in hand, Weiss took her roommate towards an expensive outdoor restaurant that was suggested to her by her sister. A quick flash of a silver credit card and a short conversation left the pair at the best table in the lot.

"This is... Pretty fancy." Ruby muttered slightly, blushing as she looked down at her t-shirt and jeans.

The ivory girl frowned, watching her love interest quietly as she reached across the table and took her hand. "Hey. If this is too much for you, we can find somewhere else."


"You'd just need to help me out a bit. I don't know this place very well." Weiss joked a little.

Ruby smiled and squeezed her fingers into the girl's hand as they left, quickly informing the server that they had an appointment they had forgotten about.

Now, sitting at a simple bagel and sandwich shop, they found a comfortable middle ground between their lifestyles.

"This place is really nice!" The girl in red laughed happily. "Not to say the last place was bad or anything, it was just a little more than I was use to and it's a really really fancy looking place and I don't really have the experience for that kind of food or dining or anyth~"

"Calm down a second, Ruby." Weiss softly whispered. "This is perfect. Don't worry."

The brilliant glow of her grin made searching for a new place worth every second of the walk. She's making me into a fool... What a dolt.

"So you wanted to tell me all about your crush, didn't you?" Ruby prompted with a smirk.

Weiss raised a brow, reflecting her own smirk to the girl. "I'm fairly certain I said after we get to know each other I'd tell you all about them."

"Oh fine..."

The woman in white felt her heart flutter at Ruby's gentle pout, the need to make her smile forcing its way out.

"What's your family like?" Weiss asked, giving a gentle squeeze of her hand.

Ruby lit up like a beautiful sunrise, he silver eyes reflecting excitement over their conversations. "Oh! My family is supper cool. My sister Yang goes to Beacon. You remember her, right? She beat up Cardin?"

The ivory Schnee giggled lightly at the heavy prompt. "I remember, don't worry."

"Great, good. Umm, ok, so she's my only sibling, but I also have my dad back home. He's like a more mature and mellow Yang, but without the balloons." Ruby laughed, making exaggerated hand signs around her chest. "He's fantastic. Doesn't get along with my Uncle Qrow, but they're actually besties."

"Really? And what's to say that he doesn't actually just not like your uncle." Weiss questioned.

The girl with red dyed hair smiled sadly towards the ground. "Well, they spend a lot of time together now. Ever since my mom passed..."

A somber sense of silence laid down over the pair, Ruby taking a small sip of her water before plastering a smile over her lips again.

"She was one powerful lady." The girl said quietly, looking down at nothing. "Taught me everything I know. She was so proud when I got into Beacon..."

Weiss pulled Ruby into the tightest hug she could muster as soon as the tears began to fall from her eyes. Hot drops hit her shoulder, but the girl in white didn't care as she tightened her grip around her partner.

"It's ok, Ruby." Weiss whispered, nuzzling her nose into the girl's hair and tucking the girl into her shoulder. "Let it out... That's it..."

The sobs coming from Miss Rose were anything but pretty, the redhead practically falling apart at the seams.

When Ruby began to calm, Weiss pulled back just enough to look her in the eyes. "Thank you for telling me."

"I-I'm sorry for crying I~"

"No, Ruby." The older girl told her firmly. "Thank you. For telling me that. For opening up to me. For trusting me."

Ruby's eyes began to fill again, but this time not from the hurt she carried so often. She pulled Weiss into another tight grip, pushing her face into the girl's neck.

"You're my best friend, Weiss... Thank you..."

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