Chapter 16: Just Answer The Question, Miss Rose

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Weiss continued to watch her partner in each class, realizing quickly that she was taking every opportunity to downplay her own abilities.

In combat, she allowed herself to be knocked back and pushed around, using subtle spells to keep herself from truly being hurt.

In illusions, she would always create the most basic visuals, just barely reaching past the expectations.

In practical classes like math and science, she never used any magic to enhance her work like many of the other students did.

The only time that Weiss every saw her true self was in transmutation. Ruby would put her everything into that class, creating the most beautiful sculptures and shining pieces of art.

Why is she downplaying her talent?

"Hey Weiss, do you know the answer to question 13 on Oobleck's assignment?" The younger girl asked, searching for a semblance of information about her work. "It doesn't make a lot of sense to me how he worded it."

What is she hiding? "He's asking for the dates of large transmutation discoveries. You've got to pick your own events, then mark down when those things happened."

"Thanks, Weissy!" She replied happily.

The Schnee heiress watched her partner firmly, eyes locked on the girl sitting across the room from her. "You mentioned that your mother taught you to use magic, right?"

Ruby stopped for a moment, seemingly unsure on how to respond, before nodding lightly. "Yeah, she taught me everything I know before coming here."

"What did she do for work?"

The energetic girl just waved a hand at the question. "Oh, you know. She had a degree in defensive development and did some work enchanting walls and weapons against Grimm. Nothing too special."


"Umm... I guess I know what your dad does... What about the rest of your family?" Ruby asked.

She's diverting the conversation away. "My sister works in Atlas, she's an officer up there. Does a lot of good for the people." Weiss explained, leaning back a bit. "What's your father do?"

"Oh, him? He's a Huntsman, but he mostly stays close to home and keeps Patch safe from anything that might happen." The silver eyed girl explained. "My uncle's a teacher at Signal, so he sticks by Patch as well."

"Seems like your family is pretty close." Weiss observed, looking for any reason she may have to hide her power. "So everyone in your family does magic?"

"Well, I mean, not everyone. My grandma couldn't do anything magic related." Ruby chuckled. "And I have a few distant cousins that can't do much."

"But everyone in your immediate family?"

"Umm... Yeah, I guess so." She answered honestly. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious about you. I want to know everything I can." Weiss said, not entirely lying. She really did want to know about the girl, she just also wanted to know about the magic history of her family.

"What about your family?" Ruby asked again. "Are any of them magic users?"

"My mother and sister are, but my father's family never had any magic. My brother stems more from that half of the family." The Schnee replied honestly. "My mother was quite good with her spells when she was younger. My sister is the same way, she's very powerful."

"So your dad's side doesn't have any magic at all?" The girl clarified. "Do you think that's why..? You know."

Weiss narrowed her eyes with suspicion. "What are you insinuating?"

Ruby took a moment, releasing a breath before she continued. "I know your magic isn't as strong as~"

"What do you mean I'm not as~?!"

"~And I don't care about that!" Ruby forcefully continued. "You're my best friend and my partner, I don't care if you're the greatest mage in the world or something. But I am curious if you struggle because of your dad."

Weiss crossed her arms, a look of annoyance in her eyes and body. "Just because I'm not the most naturally gifted does not mean that I am not at the same level as the rest of the people here." She stated, eyes glaring daggers.

"I never said you weren't as good as anyone else here, I was just curious about~"

"But I appreciate that you think of me as your best friend." She interrupted, Turing her gaze away, refusing to make eye contact with her partner. "It means a lot to me..."

Ruby was stunned. Weiss at times showed some of her thoughts or feelings, but was rarely this open and honest, especially after taking offense to something.

Ruby crossed the room, sitting on the bed by her partner's side. "It means a lot to me to be your friend too." She whispered, pulling the girl in white into a warm embrace.

Weiss, burning with embarrassment, was so happy that Miss Rose couldn't see her face at the moment. She slowly reciprocated the hug, taking Ruby into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Ruby..."

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