Chapter 9: Get Out Of My Head!!

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"Ruby... I was wondering..." Weiss began, her eyes trained forward with a nervous determination. "Would you go out on a date with me?"

The stack of pillows in front of the regal girl refused to respond, a silent answer to her inquiry.

"I-I was just hoping that you and I could get to know each other better, spend some time together." She clarified. "I've been wishing I could learn more about you for some time now. We've been to classes together and have done a little bit of studying together, but... I don't know much about you, Miss Rose."

The pile slumped over, Weiss frowning at it before smacking the whole thing down.

"This is stupid. Why can't I ask such a simple question to the girl I like? That's ridiculous!"

She looked around, glaring at everything in the room until her eyes trained towards the bed across the room, a red skirt thrown onto it in a rush. The girl smiled at the memory of Ruby rushing and panicking to find an outfit that morning, leaving her clothes all over the place.

"Why must she be so cute..?" Weiss muttered just as the girl in question walked in.

Ruby raised a brow. "Who's being cute?"


The pair stood in awkward silence for a moment then two before Ruby rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "Alright, I won't ask then."

Really..? She isn't gonna try and figure it ou~

"Who is it!?" Ruby whined, instantly on her knees, chin resting on Weiss' leg. "I wanna know who my bestie has a crush on..."

"A c-crush?! No, no, I don't have a crush on anyone!!" Weiss assured, face a deep pink blush. "I'm a Schnee, we don't get childish crushes on anyone!"

Ruby raised a brow. "We both know that isn't true. Pleeeeeeeeease tell me?"

The girl in white looked down at Ruby, adjusting to have her cheek laid on her thigh. Why must you be like this, Weiss? She's turned you into a love struck idiot.


"Fine, I'll tell you!" Weiss snapped. "But only if you agree to have lunch with me and tell me about yourself." The Schnee argued.

Ruby sat for a bit, thinking through the request. "Don't we have lunch together most days anyways?"

"I mean outside of school!" The girl growled slightly. "In Vale! Just us! No interruptions or other people!"

"Ok, ok!" Ruby laughed, raising her hands in defense. "How does tomorrow sound? Neither of us have any classes."

"It sounds fine." Weiss huffed, instantly taken aback by warm arms wrapping around her.

"Then it's a date!" Ruby decided as she pulled back. "I'm already excited!"

A date..?

"That sounds fine. I'll meet you by the main lift at noon." Weiss told her, hiding her own surprise and confusion that things turned out exactly how they did. A date?! How did that happen!?!

"I'm gonna go tell Yang I won't be available tomorrow. See you later!" Ruby waved goodbye as left the room.

What the heck do I do with a date?!

Weiss pulled out her phone, dialing up someone she hadn't spoken to in too long. She sat as the tone rang until someone picked up and attempted to speak.


"What do I do on a date?!"

The line was silent as the woman on the other end processed the words.

"Weiss, you have more dating experience than I do." Winter replied. "And you couldn't say 'hello' before trying to get dating tips from me?"

Weiss frowned to herself. She hadn't spoken with her sister in a few months now and had to look down as she thought about the facts of the situation. She only called her sister because she needed something, not because she wanted to her how she was doing.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." Winter said, her voice lighter than before. "Just be aware of the situation. And also remember that, as mentioned, I don't date."

"Right..." Weiss muttered to herself. "I was just thinking... You're the only woman I know that I can go to for this."

"Explain to me what 'this' is." Winter requested. "Without that, I don't think I'll be much help."

The girl in white shut her eyes. Guess it's time to talk about this with someone besides Klein.

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