Hawks x Fem!Reader: Unfortunate Honeymoon.

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Requested by senshi1216  IS it bad that i wrote all this with a completely blank face? Oh well.

Everything was going smoothly for Y/n L/n and Keigo Takami until about 20 minutes ago.

They were having a wonderful honeymoon at a restaurant in Hawaii, until it was broken into by a group of villains. Hawks was trying to fight them off while Y/n was trying to get everyone out of the now burning building.

Y/n thought she got everyone out but then a voice called to her.

"Help, someone help me please!" They yelled.

The girl ran towards the voice, but when she got there there was no one. That's when she realized what was going on.

"No." She whispered, with a hand on her stomach. "Please Atua no."

She then had a knife pressed against her neck and was pushed forward. "Don't do anything." Said the male behind her.

Keigo had just finished defeating what he thought to be the last of the villains. However he then saw the villain with his wife.

"Y/n." He whispered.

"I'm so so Sorry Keigo. They tricked me. Please forgive me. I love you so much." Y/n cried.

"Now." Spoke the remaining villain.

"You're going to let me escape for your wife dies. Understand?" He demanded.

"Yes, just please don't hurt her." Keigo pleaded.

He villain then walked to the door with Y/n still held at knife point.

He then slit her throat and ran out of the door.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Keigo screamed as he ran to your body.

"I love you." Was the last thing his wife would ever say.

He craddled her dead body in his arms, crying at the sight before him.


After the autopsy was done the doctor came out to give Hawks some new.

"Takami, I'm sorry to tell you, but L/n was pregnant when she died." Said the doctor.

Hawks's eyes widened and tears threatend to spill. "No." He whispered.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!" He cried. He had lost everything. The love of his life and his child. Why, why was the world so cruel. WHY!!!!!!

"Y/N, NO! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME! PLEASE!" The blond male cired.

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