#2 Jealousy

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💥Katsuki Bakugou 💥
He'd basically yelled at the person hitting on you, being all, "Back off fucker they're mine, so leave them alone or I'll kill you!" as he lets off some explostions. And they'd be scared and walk away. Then he'd punish you later.

🇨🇦Shoto Todoroki🇨🇦
He'd do little gestures showing the person that you're with him and if they didn't get the hint he'd glare at the person making some excuse of why you both needed to leave.

🥦Izuku Midoriya🥦
He'd feel really awkward and try not to be rude about it. He'd make small gestures but if they still don't get it he'd say something like, "I- I'm sorry, b-but you see, we-were together." And blush profoundly.

⚠️Eijiro Kirishima ⚠️
He'd try to stay calm and kindly tell them that you're his. If they still don't get the message then he'll start yelling then realize what he did and apologize fore being "So unmanly".

Denki Kaminari
He's honestly oblivious to it. Like you have to tell him that you were being flirted with to for him to even realize it. Sometimes you even flirt back hoping to catch his attention but it never works. Ever. But once you tell him someone was flirting with you, well he's not all to happy about. Let's just say when he finds that person they'll be walking away with a slight "charge".

🏃Tenya Iida🏃
He would try to keep his calm and tell them politely that you happened to be taken. Though if the person still doesn't get the memo, well his quirk happens to be great for quick escapes.

😏Neito Monomo😏
This boy, well I pray for whoever's flirting with you because he is not a afraid to start a fight. Especially if the person flirting with you is from 1-A.

💜Hitoshi Shinso💜
Well he tries not to make it know that he's jealous but everyone has their breaking point and if he reaches his well, let's just say threats are not above him.

He won't even say anything to the person he'll just start fighting (or killing) them. No warning just burning. He doesn't feel a even little bad about it either. No one is gonna touch or try to take what's his. No one.

Tamaki Amajiki🐙
He'd stands there silently watching while having a mental debate over how you could do so much better. And about how he's scared you'll leave him for the person flirting with you. You'll tell the person off and comfort your precious little bean and tell him how you're not going anywhere.

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