Shigaraki x Reader: Prove yourslef

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Requested by hadxs_son Hope you like  it.

Y/n was a new rercut for the leauge. They were suggested by Kurogri who had heard about them from some other villains.

They were one of the top villains in (your country). And they had never gotten caught. Even with this information, Shigaraki didn't still didn't trust they.

Y/n tried to do everything they could to gain his trust. And yet nothing worked.

One day there was a mission it was a small one just take something from some rivalling villains and leave. However, things didn't seem to go as planned.

Y/n ended up getting kidnapped, threatend, and interogated.

Their hands her cuffed behind their back with quirk stoping hand cuffs. They were also tied to a very uncomfterble. Though, that was the least of their worries.

"Tell us where the L.O.V hideout is or I'll kill you." Said a buff man with curly brown hair and he held a gun to her head.

"Oh will you now. That's nice. Do what you'd like with me, I'm not telling you shit." Y/n said, spitting at the man's feet.

He then hit them over the head with his gun causing them to become disoriented and blood to rush to their mouth.

"Are you gonna talk now?" He asked with a evil smirk, as if he was taunting them.

They then spit the coppery-tasting substance at the man's face and spoke with venom. "Fuck you, hoe."

They then smirked, and just as she was about to get shot a hand was put on the man's face, disintegrating it.

"Shigaraki." They breathed out in relief.

"That was something. Wasn't sure if we'd make it in time. At least now I know I can trust you though." He smirked.

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