General Fiction Results

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5th Place

Username: FirstNailInTheCoffin

itle: Scripted in Blood
Score: 85

Review:. The book had an amazing plot , with very vivid descriptions of where each character was at all time. The book was also generally enjoyable to read and at no point did I feel obligated to read it as a form of duty 

4th Place

Username: nah_tasha05

Title :  The U in us

Score : 84

Review: what I liked about the book was that it had a nice plot , a long the way you feel the lives of the two main protagonist slowly merging and thus it sparks interest into the readers mind . The descriptions were good making me form images of the place in question in my mind.

3rd Place

Author: myloststars_

Title: Your Promises

Blurb/Description (8/10)

The blurb is pretty generic but it presents interesting ideas. It seems like it will turn out to be a tragic love story but it doesn’t reveal how things will go. Overall the blurb is pretty attractive to fully see. It makes the reader interested but sometimes not enough to jump in. It is enough to catch people’s attention though.

Cover & Title (10/10)

The first opinion I have is that this is obviously got to be romance. The title and cover most suggest it and work well together. There is a sense of harmony in what they represent and show. I am filled with a sense of wonder as I look at it.

The First Chapter (13/15)

The story is very interesting at the beginning but it doesn’t fully draw me in. I am intrigued to see the story develop but the first chapter doesn’t draw me all the way in. It’s extremely well arranged and put together. I don’t get a feel that there will be too much predictable things going on.

Plot (21/25)

The plot is well thought out but there is cliches mixed. When adding certain components to a story, rather than using an idea that’s already been done, you should try using a new idea. The plot is unique is some ways as I read it and I can understand the scenarios.

Character Development (10/10)

I see a lot of character growth. Seeing how the story began verses how far they got shows growth. Physical changes in her condition was also shown which is important to a story. The characters are more dynamic than static and we see the overall growth that they have.

Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling (18/20)

I dint notice any major errors in the spelling or in the grammar. There was also good vocabulary. I would only say to work on the syntax and seeing if you can get a bigger word choice. Overall it was done good for this part.

Enjoyment (8/10)

I did slightly enjoy this story. There was parts that I thought could have been better but other parts that were perfect. I didn’t feel that I was obligated all that much to finish and judge this story. Overall there is a lot of potential in this story to be great. 

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