||Judges Rules||

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This is just for judges

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This is just for judges. So, if you're interested, read it! Otherwise, skip this.


1. Please make sure you're active and can actually judge. Do not sign up to be a judge when you know you're going to drop out later on. It isn't fair!
Contact us if you want to drop out ahead of time and you find a book difficult to judge.

2. Read each entry carefully! We want these awards to be as fair as possible.

3. You can be a participant, but you're not allowed to judge the same genre.

4. Start judging once the genre you're expected to judge is full.

5. Make sure you give the host _Rae_21 a permanent follow and Follow this account for updates. Don't worry, we will follow you back.

6. You're going to send the result via email.

7. Reply to every message sent to you.

8. Add this book to your library and public reading list to receive further updates.

9. You would be expected to judge a minimum of 10 books and provide a detailed result within a month.

10. The number of Judges would differ according to the number of entries for each genre.

~Judges Form

Genre you wish to judge:
Genre you've entered (if you're a participant):
Can judge mature/lgbtq+?:
Followed the rules?:
Tags: (at least 5)

THE RUBY AWARDS | 3RD EDITION | 2020 {OPEN}Where stories live. Discover now