||Judging Rubric||

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The following criteria must be followed by the judges

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The following criteria must be followed by the judges. Each judge is expected to read 5 chapters of every book assigned to them and Give a review for all of them.



Total marks: 100

1. Blurb/Description: (10 marks)

This the most crucial stage of starting a story.
●How attractive is the blurb?
●Does it make the readers want to jump in?

2. Cover & Title: (10 marks)

The readers are always in search of something new. They tend to jump into the first thing that catches the eye.
●How relevant is the title?
●Is the cover catchy?
●Does it go with the title?

3. The first chapter: (15 marks)

The first chapter is basic to start a good book as it shapes the entire chapter.
●What does the chapter make you feel?
●How well-arranged is it?

4. Plot: (25 marks)

The plot matters and everyone knows that.
●How well thought is the plot?
●Is it unique?
●Could you capture the scenario?

5. Character Development: (10 marks)

Character development is what makes your story stronger.
●How well did the character build?

6. Grammar, Vocabulary & Spelling: (20 marks)

Not everybody is a writer. Their work is defined by their choice of words and grammar. Did I miss out Descriptive writing?
●How unravelling is the author's Vocabulary?
●And spelling?

7. Enjoyment : (10 marks)

An author should be able to captivate his/her readers.
● Did you enjoy reading the book or felt obliged to do so by obligation?


Because of the obvious differences, poetry will be following a different format than novels and short stories.

Total: 100 points

Blurb/Title/Description/Cover(10 points)

•What is your first impression of the book?
•Does it draws you in?

Writing Style/Tone/Rhyme Scheme(40)

•Some poems aren't made to rhyme, but for the ones that do, do they?
•How well do the flow of the poem, what emotions do you get from it?


•Are there any words spelt wrong? Grammatical errors?
•How is their choice of words and form of poetry? How strong are their words?

Theme (30)

•How good, and how much of emotional response do these poems give you?
•Do they tell their story well?

If you have any questions about the poetry format, don't hesitate to ask.


Note: Results should be arranged in descending order  and sent to the email -----> therubycommunity@gmail.com


Format for sending the Results:

Title of book

P.S:- Please do not send any result as a private message. All result should be forwarded to the email account provided above.

Have any question, PM this account!

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