Chapter 14

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* One week later *

"- Why do you have to go already?

- Duty calls."

I was standing at the gate where Austin's plane would depart from, looking straight into his eyes. His eyes were tearing up, just like last time we had to say goodbye. My cheeks and entire face were already wet from crying. 

"- I hate saying goodbye to you." I sniffed. Why was this so hard?

"- Come here." His voice cracked a little. He took me in for a long and warm hug, those that only him can give. Right on that moment they called his plane to board.

"- Why do I have to go? I don't want to leave you.

- I don't want you to go either.

- But I have to. There's an album that needs to be finished. My manager wants to record it in Miami, so I have to go. Look, babe, I love you. A lot. And I f I could, I'd stay. I'm going to miss you a lot. But I'll call you when I land, I promise." He started to let go of me. On this very moment he was only holding my hands and was slowly walking backwards.

"- I love you." I said while letting some tears float. I had let go of my first hand and was only touching the finger tips of my seconds.

"- I love you too." His fingers slipped out of mine and he walked into the gate backwards. He blowed me one last kiss, before he turned around and ran to catch up with his friends. This actually felt like the worldwide scene in the second season from Big Time Rush.

"- Boy, I'll be thinking about you, worldwide, worldwide, worldwide..." I softly sang when watching the plane taking of the ground. That moment it felt like I would never be seeing him again.

"- You have a beautiful voice you know. Why don't you take your talent to another level?" A familiar voice said behind my back.

"- You're my brother, you have to say that." I turned around and looked straight into James his light brown eyes.

"- I'm saying it, because it's the truth.

- Yeah..." I looked down at my feet, whiping another tear away.

"- How are you feeling?

- Miserable. I miss him already. For some reason and I don't know why, this feels like the last time I've seen him.

- It'll be alright." He took me in for a hug. " Come on, let's grab a cup of coffee on our way home." He rubbed my back and shoulder on shoulder we walked away into the nearest coffee shop.

* A couple of days later *

As if with Austin leaving, this week couldn't get any worse, it did. It was Saturday again, which meant another shooting. Not just another ordinary Saturday of filming, but the last one. In the past six weeks I had built a band with these guys and girls and I felt like they were my friends. They helped me so much when James was in the hospital, just like Austin and his friends. I even have barely time to miss Austin, because they've been occupying me over skype... at least the girls, the guys only text. But I have a plan, since there is lots of chemistry everytime you put those girls and 3 of the 4 from 5 Seconds Of Summer in one room. They all have feelings for each other, because the girls told me and I have that feeling in my guts that Michael, Ashton and Luke feel the same. I want them to confess, because it would be a waste if they didn't.

Today wouldn't be much filming, the only thing we were going to do was taping the last little part and then it would be all wrapped up. The crew would start with composing all of it and the cast would just hang out together on the scene, sort of saying goodbye. I hope this isn't goodbye. Those girls live in LA, so I would love to hang out with them some more, now this is all ending. For the boys... I really want to stay in touch, but I'll see how it goes. After all they'll leave this town someday, they're still famous and their whole families are in Australia. Hopefully they're staying a while longer, I like hanging out with them. I hope they feel the same way and that this isn't the end.

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