Chapter 3

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* The Next Saturday*

All week long we had practised with the choreographer. I have to admit that he was damn good. Alex and I got some jealous glares at school, cause we were practising with another choreographer, but in the same room. I couldn't care less, I can live my dreams.

Alex and I decided to carpool: her mom was dropping us off and James would pick us up again at the end of the day. We walked into the big room where Dean, the choreographer was waiting for us.

"- Hi girls! Ready for today?" We both nodded.

"- Well, I'm going to tell you how this day will go. First it's up to you to dance for the producer. He will see how he can place you. Than it's up to the boys to do the same. By that time it will be lunch, but after that, they are going to start filming you both. They will be doing their superhero act again, where you will be dancing inbetween them. At the last seconds, they'll be the ones killing you, cause you are the bad guys. That's why we practised dropping dead at the end. You understand?"

All we could do was nod. The producer immediately took us away to fit our costumes. And I have to admit that they looked damn good. They helped us in and then it was time to practise. The guy was pretty perfectionist, so we had to redo things several times. I was happy when it was 5sos their turn too practise.

Alex and I both took a rest.

"- I'm kind of bumped that we don't get to talk to them. I'd love to get to know Ashton a little better." Alex seemed dissappointed.

"- Forgot about Zach already? I don't mind actually. We get the chance of a life time. This could get our careers started. The only reason I want to talk to them is to thank them for this amazing opportunity." We watched them a little longer till it was time for lunch. They actually look pretty funny.

It was a buffet for lunch and Alex and I looked a bit lost, cause we knew nobody here.

"- Do you girls want to join us for lunch?" Ashton kindly asked. " More is always better.

- Yeah, thanks." I replied.

"- Follow me." We both followed him into a separate room where Luke, Mikey and Calum were already waiting.

"- Hi." they all said. We joined them at the table. A conversation was immediately started and they were actually really relaxed guys. Down to earth, totally not like superstars are expected to be.

"- So Chloe, how did you and Austin get together?" It was the subject of love that had come up and since I was currently the only one in a relationship, I had the most to tell.

"- Well, I was forced to go on tour with my brother and Austin was their opening act. We were a few weeks far, when I walked into my brother's and Austin's room. Austin was in the shower and my brother was sitting on the bed. I told him that I thought I was falling for Austin and right on that moment he opened the bathroom door. I ran away, didn't talk to him for a few days. One day, I was sitting in a garden outside a venue and Austin came up to me. He told me I should listen to him. He said that he felt the same and that I shouldn't be so insecure. We kissed and we have been together since that day. So far my boring love story." I chuckled. Did I really just told some 'strangers' my love story?

"- Awh that's so cute." I already noticed that Ashton is the most sensitive one of them all. Cute actually.

"- How long have you two been together now?

- Almost 4 months. I've been without him for over a month now and I miss him a lot. It's weird to be without him when I lived with him every single day for 4 months long." My phone rang.

"- Sorry, I have to take this." It was an unknown number. I walked a little further so that they couldn't hear me.

"- Hello?

- Is this Chloe Maslow?

- Yes, it's her you're speaking to. Who is this?

- I'm your brother's lawyer. He has been taken in for drunk driving. So is his fiancée. They both have to stay the night in jail. I have to call, cause you're minus eightteen and you need a place to stay. Is there any place you can stay the night?

- Yeah, I'll stay with my best friend." The lawyer agreed and hung up the phone. I'm going to kill James when he gets home. This had completely killed my mood.

"- Alex, can I stay the night with you AND can your mom pick us up?

- You can stay the night, but mom can't pick us up. Why?

- James has been taken in for dunk driving. " I let out a deep sigh.

"- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine. The only thing is that this is not good for my case.

- Your case?" they all said in sync.

I could not get out of telling the whole story.

"- I just don't want to go back to my mom." I said crying.

"- I'm sorry." I ran away, bursting out into tears. Someone was following me. All I could do was keep on running till I ran out of breath. I turned around and saw Calum standing there. Why did he follow me? He took me in for a hug and I didn't mind for once hugging a stranger. His hug felt warm and comforting, something I had missed for so long.

"- I have no idea how you feel and even though I barely know you, I don't like see you sad. You seem a really nice and kind person and You feel a little like a future friend and I hate to see my friends hurt." I just hugged him tighter. It was when I heard cameras clicking that I knew that this was not good.


Hey guys!

I finally updated! Hopefully you like it :)

Xoxo Chloë

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