Chapter 21

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* two days later *

Today was the day. Today was the day that Calum and I would slowly be taking our relationship out into the world. But it would not only be Calum and I, it would be all of us. Also Luke and Phoebe, Ashton and Lori and Michael and Laura would go public.

The girls and I had met up early that day to go out shopping for a nice dress and get our hair done. We wanted to look nice for the fans to have a good image about us and to let them have a good first impression on us.

About ten minutes before the boys were supposed to pick us up, I was standing in front of my mirror, pulling my dress the whole time to make sure it looked alright. But I was never pleased. The all black cocktail dress I was wearing was beautiful on its own, but not when it was on me. The pumps I was wearing made me even more insecure. I normally don't wear shoes like that, especially because I was already so tall. I really don't get why I picked a complete black outfit, people will think I'm gothic. I just kept pulling the dress, what if people would think it's too short? I don't want to look like a whore.

"- Stop doing that. You look beautiful." Calum stood right beside me, looking with me in the mirror.

" Tonight will be our night. Stop worrying. I think you look absolutely stunning and that's all that matters. Don't care about what others think. You're my girlfriend, not theirs. Okay?

- Okay." He planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

"- Come on, let's go, before we're late." He took my hand and gently leaded me outside, into the car. There was no turning back now.

Half an hour later we arrived at the red carpet. My hands were all sweaty, I was that nervous. My left hand was resting into Calum's and the closer we got, the harder I was pinching. I thought I was going to be sick. Once the car stopped I had to swallow, I had the feeling I was going to cry. Why was I this nervous? I never had this with Austin. Maybe I never really loved him and maybe I do with Calum.

"- Babe, relax, it'll be alright." He gently kissed my cheek. The others were already leaving the car.

"- I don't know if I can do this." I was panicking big time.

"- Chlo, listen to me: you can. Remember what I told you before: it doesn't matter what others think, you're my girl, not theirs. They are my fans and I love them, but there is one person that I love more and she is sitting right here next to me. I love you and no matter what my fans say about you, that will never change. Don't care about what they say, just smile everything away. Okay?

- Okay. I'm sorry. I don't know why I am so nervous.

- Don't worry about it. Ready to go?" I nodded. He took my hand and we stepped out of the car. Lights were flashing and hundreds of camera's were pointed at us. Fans were screaming and shouting all kinds of things. Calum leaded me towards the official photo section of the red carpet, where we posed for several photographers for several magazines. One of them asked us over for a little chat. The other guys and girls were already waiting there.

"- Calum, hi, my name is Charlotte and I'm from Joepie, a Belgian magazine, would you mind answering some questions?

- Of course not! Everything for you, Charlotte!" She laughed

"- I've asked the other guys already, so I'm asking you too now: who's did you bring as your lovely date?" He wrapped his one arm around my waiste and pulled me closer to him.

"- Well, this is my lovely girlfriend Chloe and I'm happy to finally introduce her to the world!" I looked at him while he was talking and I just smiled.

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