Chapter 4

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"- Thank you." I sobbed into Calum's shoulder.

"- Let's go inside." I followed him back in, away from all the paparazzi and their flashing cameras. We sat ourselves down on a bench next to each other.

"- You okay?" He asked worried.

"- Yeah, I'm better. Thank you." For a moment it was silent, until Alex came in.

"- The producer wants us to get started again. You okay Chlo?

- I think I am. The two of you can go already, I'll be there in a second." Calum followed Alex back in while I took my phone out of my pockets. I dialed Austin's number. He had to know from me what happened, not what the internet and stuff will claim in a couple of hours.

"- Hey, this is Austin, you know what to do." I sighed. This was not exactly what I needed on that moment.

"- Hey babe, it's me. Uhm, when you hear this, can you call me back? We need to talk." I hung up and waited a couple of minutes before trying again. And again voice mail. After three times I gave up and just went back to the others.

"- What took you so long?" Alex asked.

"- I had to call Austin. But the problem is he isn't picking up his phone." My eyes were tearing up again.

"- Oh honey." She took me in for a hug.

"- I just don't want to lose him over a stupid mistake that my brother made." I sniffed, whiping the tears away.

"- You won't. I'm sure he'll understand. It happens to him all the time too.

- I hope so. But anyway, let's dance again." We went back to the producer and the boys where we were told to dance again. By the end of the day, the first part of the video, on 'Don't Stop' was finished. We were told that next time two other girls would join us for the 'Amnesia' theme. I didn't mind though, I like meeting new people.

"- Well, I guess we'll see you next week." The boys walked over to us.

"- Yeah. Can't wait." I replied with a smile.

"- Are you going to be okay?" Calum asked me again, still worried.

"- I will, don't worry." We said our final goodbyes and then walked over to the nearest bus stop. Neither James or Alex's mom were able to pick us up, so we were forced to take the bus.

"- Do you guys need a ride?" A male voice came from behind us. We turned around and saw Ashton behind the wheel.

"- Yeah, if it's not too much asked." Alex answered. I gave her my what-are-you-doing-look.

"- I'm getting us home." She whispered.

"- Of course not. Where do you guys have to go?" Alex gave him her adress and we took of all the way to her place. We thanked Ashton for the ride before going back in. The rest of the night was filled with pizza and movies. The only thing that bothered me was that I had no missed calls al the time. Austin didn't even try to call me back...

* The next day *

I woke up from the ringtone of my phone. 

"- Hello?" I said, still a bit sleepy.

"- You've got some explaining to do." I immediately jumped up and walked over to another room. I did not need Alex to hear me. 

"- Austin, please don't be mad...

- Oh really? Give me one reason why I shouldn't be.

- I can explain...

- You must have a good reason."  The tone in his voice was upset and angry at the same time.

"-  You must have a really good reason why twitter is full of ' Your girlfriend is cheating on you' and pictures of you and Calum Hood hugging, if it isn't kissing what I see.

- Did you even listen to your voice mail?

- No, why..." I didn't even let him finish his sentence.

"- Cause if you did, you would have heard, minutes after those pictures were taken, that my voice was really upset and that I needed to talk to you. Believe me, if Calum hadn't come after me, it were just pictures of me bursting out into tears. He offered me that hug that I needed so bad at that moment. I've been trying to reach on to you, but nothing worked. I wanted to explain what happened right after, but you weren't there. You weren't there when I needed you the most." My voice cracked.

"- Chlo... I-I-I... I'm sorry. You're right, I should've called you. But my phone became empty through the day and it was late when I got home and saw your calls. When I saw all those things this morning, I didn't realise it was for explaining all this. I just got angry over what I saw. I'm really sorry.

- You know I'd never cheat on you right?

- I know... I'm sorry. But what was it that made you so upset?

- James was caught on drunk driving and had to spend the night in jail. He promised to pick up Alex and me after filming, but at lunch his lawyer called me. I needed to find a place to stay the night since I was minus eightteen. Even Sylvia was drunk. At 11AM. I was just so mad because he's ruining everything. This will be remembered in my trial and this can make that I have to move back in with my mom." I was crying. "And that's absolutely the last thing I want. I thought he wanted this like I do. But aparently he doesn't. " I sniffed.

" - He definitely does, believe me. I'm sure there is a good reason why he was drunk at 11AM. Even though I think it is highly irresponsible from him to drive drunk. Don't immediately think the worst. I'm sure your case will be fine. There are more evidences against your mom than against James. Did you speak to him already?

- No. Dad is picking me up this afternoon to pay his bail and take him and Sylvia home. I'm so mad right now, I can't talk to him.

- You realise that you have to, right?

- I know.

- Please remember that he probably never did this to hurt your case. Your brother loves you with all of his heart.

- I know. But I have to go now, Alex just woke up. Are we good?

- We're awesome.  I love you.

- I love you too. Bye." I hung up the phone, glad that it had been cleared out. Maybe he was right, James probably did this with a reason where he wasn't thinking of my case. Maybe I'm being selfish.

"- You talked to Austin?

- Yeah. We're good." In the meanwhile her mom had prepared a brunch, cause we woke up pretty late and it was already 11.30AM. About an hour later my dad came to pick me up. Our car ride was silent, until we were almost at the police station.

"- I'm going to kick his ass." My dad was clearly angry. " How irresponsible!

- Dad, calm down. I do not need them to keep you here too." Together we walked in, paying the bail and waiting for him to come. Aparently Sylvia's parents had picked her up already.

"- I'm not in the mood for a lecture." was all James said, before walking outside and taking his place in the car. It was again silent till we were home, but it was there that the bomb exploded.


Hey guys!

I am really really really sorry that it took me so long to update this story. I have been really busy with school and my health hasn't been that good lately. But I'm all fresh now and I'm going to try to update sooner. I do love writing and I do like you reading it. I really hope you like this new part and sorry again for the wait.

I love you guys,

Big Kiss,

Chloë xoxo

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