Chapter 7

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"- Hi, how are you feeling?" Holding some flowers in my hand, I walked into the white hospital room where my brother was staying. He didn't answer, but just stared out of the window like he didn't hear me.

"- I'll put these over here, to brighten up the room a bit." I smiled at him, hoping he would feel that I wasn't mad about what he did.

"- I've got some exciting news. Austin's here. We were all here last night you know... We were worried about you." It felt like I was talking to the walls, cause he didn't even blink through my words. I sat there silent for a while.

"- I found your letter." This seemed to have caught his attention because he turned his head to face me.

"- James, I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me? I know you're always trying to protect me, but that doesn't mean I'm not there to listen to your problems. I want to help you. I know I wasn't exactly there the past few days, but I want to listen to you. You're always putting yourself aside for me, but I'm willing to do the same for you. I want to help you like you help me. You're my brother and my best friend. I don't want to lose you. In the end you're the only person that  was always there for me, no mather what. I can always count on you and you can always count on me too. I love you. And if you don't do this for yourself or me, which I fully understand, do it for Fox. He misses you. He has been hawling and whining all night when we got home. He needs you. I need you."

The tears were coming out again. I noticed him crying too.

"- Come here." He eventually said, opening his arms for a hug. I ran over to him and hugged him. I crawled up into his side and wrapped my arms around him, ready to never let him go again.

"- I'm sorry." James was crying.

"- Don't be. I'm the one that's supposed to be sorry. I was the one too busy for the most important person in her entire life.

- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I screwed it up.

- No, James, you didn't...

- I fucked up your whole case. I'm going to lose you. You're probably fucking pissed at me." I took his face inbetween my hands.

"- Listen to me James: don't worry about my case. You're worth more to me than anything else in the whole wide world. Your health is the most important thing right now. So what if my case doesn't work out the way I planned? I'm not going back to mom, that's for sure. But I can always go to dad. He has changed so I don't think it would be that bad living with him. Of course I'd rather live with you, but it doesn't matter if this changes things. Your health is by far the most important thing to me right now. I can't lose you. I can't. That would break my heart. Ruin my life. You getting better is my priority right now. Don't think about the case. Do you understand?"

He nodded to confirm he had understand what I said. He took me in his strong arms that always make me feel safe.

"- I won't do it again. I promise." He whispered. Strange enough I believed him.

Another half hour passed away in silence, where we just laid into each other's arms, never letting go of the other. People who don't know us, would think that we were a couple.

"- Can I call Austin in? He's been waiting for the past hour or something in the hallway.

- Does he know?

- Yeah... He came here last night after I broke down during a phone call.

- Bring him in. He's your boyfriend after all. So my temporary brother in law." I smiled to my brother and walked to the hall to call Austin in.

"- Hi buddy." James said. He actually smiled.

"- Hi." My feeling told me that Austin was feeling rather uncomfortable. I knew this was hard for him, but yet he came. For me. The awkwardness was gone fast, cause there was finally some talking done. A nurse even had to come to chase us away.

* Austin's P.O.V*

I was coming to surprise her anyway, but hearing what happened to her brother, made me come even faster. Okay, I was on my way already, but I had pulled some strings that I could get there as fast as possible. She was not supposed to go through this alone. I know exactly what she was going through. I lost my dad due to the same action, even though I was still very young. But that empty whole you feel in your heart can never be filled again.

So here we are, visiting James in the hospital. He's smiling again, which is of course a good thing. Like all of this never happened. Seems like they both had a good talk to clear things out. All of the sudden a nurse came and told us we had to leave. Chloe hugged her brother goodbye and we prepared to leave.

"- Hey Austin." James whispered, clearly for Chloe not to hear. She already walked.

"- What's up?

- Take care of her. Please. Till I'm my old self again.

- I will.

- Stay in our house. With your mom, your friends... everyone who came with you. I just don't want Chloe to be alone in that big house.

- She won't be. I promise.

- Thank you." I nodded and left the room. He gave me a task and I was going to persue it.

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