Chapter 18

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The first month of my relationship with Calum was really comforting. He gave me time to process my break up and didn't push me at all. Every day my feelings for him were growing stronger and stronger and I knew I did the right thing by choosing for him and not forgiving Austin.

Since Laura, Lori and Phoebe got here too, the bullying decreased to a minimum and it was bearable to go to school. Our friendship was strenghtening day by day and it was only a bonus that our boyfriends were best friends too.

It was the last Friday before Spring break and the guys promised to pick us all up to celebrate. They said they had a surprise for us and we were all kind of curious. So after dance we walked out together to find a huge limousine in the parking lot of our school. Our mouths fell open from amazement, none of us expected this. It wasn't until Luke stepped out of it that we could believe this was really ment for us.

"- Are you girls still coming?" He slightly chuckled and we followed him into the car. It was huge and each and everyone of us sat in the arms of their lover. I greeted Calum with a soft kiss on his lips, before he wrapped both of his arms around my waist and I could rest my head against his chest.

"- This sure is a way to celebrate the holidays." Lori mentioned.

"- And you haven't seen it all yet. All of your parents and brother, gave permission to this and we're taking you out on a holiday all week long. We rented a house at the beach in Santa Barbara so that we can spend some quality time and you girls can relax from the tiring thing that's school.

- You guys are the best." She answered her boyfriend before kissing him on the lips.

It was a two hour ride, but long enough to doze of in Calum's arms. I was close to falling into a deep sleep, when I noticed the car stopped.

"- Wake up sleepy head, we're here." I looked straight into his brown puppy eyes. A slight yawn came out of my mouth.

"- Someone's a bit tired. Let me help you." He lifted me up and carried me inside, like we were two newly weds. It made me laugh. Calum dropped me down on a bed with what seemed one hundred soft cussions.

"- This, my lady, is your bedroom for the week." I looked around the room and it was huge. There was a huge white closet and a dressingtable and the bed was kingsize, big enough for two.

"- And where will you be sleeping, my man?" I asked with a slight smirk on my face.

"- I will be sharing a bedroom with my good friends Luke, Ashton and Michael.

- So the girls each have a seperate room?

- Yeah. We're used to sleeping in the same room, you girls not. So we took a house with six bedrooms.

- What's the sixt one for?

- The one in our bedroom that snores." We both had to laugh.

"- Why don't you come and lay down with me for a sec?" I patted on the empty space next to me.

"- I'd love to." He dropped himself down facing me and we were just staring into each other'seyes, not taking them of for even one second.

"- Thank you." I suddenly said and broke the silence. " For all of this.

- Everything for my girl." He kissed me on my forehead.

"- I'm so happy I got you. I don't regret a thing. I realised that I made the right decision to admit to my feelings for you, instead of hiding them. You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream. You make me happy." I smiled. " I'm sorry, am I being cheesy now?" I gave him a weak smile.

"- No, you're not. I'm happy you made that decision too. Seems like we're both making each other happy." I kissed him on his lips. He took me in his strong arms and I rested my head on his chest. He played with my hair that was laying over my shoulders in loose curls and I closed my eyes enjoying this moment. The consistent pace of his heartbeat made me calm and I felt myself relax completely. For the first time in forever I felt like I could handle the world with Calum by my side. If I'm honest, I have to admit that I never had a kind of feeling like this when I was around Austin. I felt stronger, more self assure, but with Calum this is even stronger.

"- I'm coming in!" Luke walked into the room covering his eyes with his hand.

"- Dude, it's fine, we're not naked." I had to chuckle. He uncovered his eyes and cracked a little smile.

"- You two look so cute. Wait a second." He took out his phone taking a picture of us.

"- Please don't instagram that. I'm not ready for the hate. Not yet.

- I won't. I know how hard this is. I'll just send it to you and Calum and then it'll leave my phone." He smiled. " The barbecue is ready, let's have soe dinner." He walked out the room again. Only seconds later I recieved a text from him.

"- This really is a cute picture." Calum said.

"- I agree.

- You hungry?

- I am. Let's have some chicken on the barbe." I said with my best Australian accent. It made Calum laugh. Hand in hand we walked out of the room outside onto the pateo, where the rest of the group was already eating.

"- You couldn't wait for us?" I said laughing.

"- Nope, to many good food."

Mikey loves food a lot, but that's why we are such good friends, because I really eat a lot too and love it also. Calum and I are in a relationship and best friends, but next to him I also get along very well with his friends. Especially with Michael. We have so much in common, but we would never date each other, we are more like brother and sister.

The barbecue lasted all night long, we were having so much fun. After all the food was gone, the guys pulled out a huge bag of marshmellows that we roasted above the still warm barbecue. It was dark already, so we drank hot chocolate and cuddled up in blankets, talking about the every day stuff. These nights are the ones that I enjoyed the most. Sitting together with people I considered my family, my seven best friends. Even though we don't know each other for that long yet, I still feel that bond with them as if we know each other for years. Happy with how things were going, I laid down my head on Calum's shoulders and closed my eyes.

------- ( A / N )---------

Wow, it has been a while since I last updated! :O Sorry, school was literally taking all of my time and I just couldn't write, I'm sorry :( I also know that this was really lame, I'm sorry, but I hope to get some more action in this story soon!

Hope you enjoyed the story after all.

xoxo Chloë

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