Celestial Problems?

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It was another normal day. Well, not so normal since the weather was totally not okay. It has been raining in Magnolia for the past 5 days non-stop which was totally weird since it only rained on September and October. And we are in the middle of the summer. There were also more requests than normal. I took a request with Erza. We had to help with digging some holes. Of course, Erza was all fired up, mostly because she was going to wear a worker's uniform. She just dragged me with her.

"I want you to make a deep ditch over there, there and there. Then, we'll move on the other side of that hill" I said and Erza started making holes only for me to expand them.

"Why did you come along if you were going to make me all the work here..." I said as I jumped into the hole. I fired a dragon's roar and created a huge ditch. Then, I jumped out and did the same thing for the next two.

"Because you'll do it much faster than me. I simply wanted to wear that uniform." She said and hugged herself.

"So, I was right after all...." I said and sighed as I moved to the last one. The rest of the workers looked at us surprised as we finished a job that required 2 days in less than twenty minutes. We did the rest of the work on the other side of the hill as well. Then, we got our payment and returned to the guild. Again, it was raining in Magnolia when we arrived. When we arrived to the guild, we saw Yukino the celestial wizard from Sabertooth talking about the spirits worried. Turns out they were planning a rebellion. They wanted to be free or something. And to do that they needed a celestial globe. So, we decided to investigate this. Erza made the teams and told me to go with her.

"But won't they need protection? You know since Natsu's gone?" I asked as I pointed to the place were Natsu previously was. Erza was angry with him while Lucy just sighed. Then, Erza took Cana with her while I went with Levy, Lucy, Yukino, Happy and Martin to the Magic Library.

When we arrived Lucy and Levy both offered me a pair of glasses to go through the books and help them with the investigation.

"Absolutely not. I'm here only on bodyguard duty. You two can't use your magic." I said as I pointed at Lucy and Yukino, but earned a glare from Levy.

"W-Well i-it's j-just t-that it w-would be b-better i-if you have m-more p-protection..." I said nervously as I scratched my neck.

"You couldn't save it..." Martin said and smiled.

"With whose side are you, you traitor!" I asked irritated. Levy just sighed.

"Levy's." He said coldly. "Besides, Levy will need her brain to search. You on the other hand suck at that kind of jobs. Just like Natsu." Happy said.

"See it wasn't that diff- Wait a minute I do what!? I'm not as bad as Natsu!" I said surprised. Levy smiled along with the rest of the girls. Suddenly, the entire library started shaking and Virgo appeared. I quickly attacked her as the girls went to find that celestial globe.

"Please, don't hurt her." Lucy begged me before she left with the rest of the girls.

"Martin, Happy you two go with them." I said as I created my left arm. I charged and attacked her with it but she made a hole in it cutting it in half. I looked at her surprised.

"Time for some punishment!" She said and took out her whip. She attacked me with it but I managed to catch it. I smirked and pulled it towards me, bringing Virgo with it as well. I grabbed her by the collar and managed to somehow immobilize her as I pinned her down. However, she made a hole and I ended up falling into the hole, while she headed towards Levy who had found the celestial globe.

"Shit!" I said as I charged at her again and grabbed at her just as she returned to the celestial world dragging me with her.

I opened my eyes and saw a spirit with a metal cross as a head and a weird mustache standing inches above my head. I scream in fear as I tried to get away. He reassured me that he was a good guy and changed my clothes. Then, he told me that I had to go to Astral Spirytus in order to prevent them from using the celestial globe. Then, Horologium offered to take me there. And indeed, soon I arrived. I saw Natsu attacking Loke. Lucy, Happy, Yukino, Princess Hisui and her Knight were there as well.

The Dragon who liked Strawberries (Erza x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now