Dragon Slayers vs Dragon

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Natsu jumped and attacked the mecha dragon first along with Gajeel.

FIRE DRAGON FIST/ IRON DRAGON POLE Natsu and Gajeel yelled as they attacked him. The king yelled angrily. Me and Wendy jumped from above.

CRYSTAL/SKY DRAGON ROAR Wendy and I said in unison and hit the mecha dragon from above. Wendy then used her magic to enhance our physical abilities. Me, Natsu and Gajeel started attacking the dragon. However, out attacks didn't even scratch it. Then he launched some missiles at Wendy. Natsu went and defended her by absorbing the fire after it exploded. Gajeel on the other hand was eating his tail.

Damn it, I don't have enough magic energy left, and if I eat more crystals my body will collapse... I used up too much power in my fight with Edolas (Y/N)... And then my dragon force to stop the crystal...

Natsu noticed how I was panting. After his attack he landed next to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me worried. I nodded. He still looked at me. After some time, the dragon started absorbing magic energy and expanded. Its armor became even stronger and our attacks didn't even work. He started attacking us. I jumped to attack him but he just swung his tail and threw me on the other side of the floating land we were fighting. He attacked again and this time the attack hit the other three. We were all reaching our limits. I slowly got up and walked towards it. Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel weren't moving.

"Hey Natsu... what are you doing...." I said panting as I stood in front of Natsu. "Get...your ass up..." Just then, the dragon went to stomp on me. I managed to crystalize only my right hand and took the attack. Wendy, Gajeel and Natsu gasped. Then the king, who was inside the mecha dragon started mocking us about using all of our magic power.

"Magic power or not... I will protect them... I lost once from a dragon and I don't intent to lose again!" I yelled as I managed to overpower him and threw him a couple of feet away.

"Let's combine our magic" Gajeel said. All the Dragons Slayer got up and stood next to me. I ate the last ruby I had along with an emerald and a diamond.

CRYSTAL/FIRE/SKY/IRON DRAGON ROAR we all said in unison and our breaths became one, forming a huge tornado with our elements. We were sure it hit the dragon, however he just jumped high. I run a few feet away from the rest of the dragon slayers. I looked at Natsu who realized what I wanted to do and nodded. I ate a sapphire and my speed increased. I run to Natsu and just before I reached him, I jumped on his leg and he kicked me in the air. His kick sent me higher than the mecha dragon.

"WHO GAVE YOU PERMISION TO JUMP" I yelled as I started to created layers on my crystalized hand until it became three times my size and punched the dragon sending him crashing on the others. There Gajeel used his Iron poles and pinned him to the ground. Natsu jumped up and told Wendy to use her Dragons roar on him the minute I reached Natsu. Wendy did as told. I focused the last of my magic power and formed a bigger sword two times my size while absorbing light particles at the same time.

SWORD EDGE OF THE FIRE DRAGON Natsu yelled while fusing his power with Wendy's

CRYSTAL DRAGON LIGHT SABER I yelled as I pointed my sword in front of me. We both pierced the mecha Dragon at the same time as our attack took the form of a dragon. Natsu and I both grabbed the king at the same time as we passed through the mecha dragon and landed on the ground.

"WE DID IT!" Natsu yelled. Then he helped me up. Just then, Edolas (Y/N) approached me. I took a stance ready to fight him but he just raised his hands up and told me that I had kicked his ass once. Then he told me to go find our Erzas since they were probably fighting against each other. I followed him. Soon enough we found them both lying on the ground unable to move. Edolas (Y/N) run to Edolas Erza and hugged her. He cried of happiness as he saw she was alright.

"That's what I meant when I talked about love." My Erza said. I sat down next to her, placed her head in my lap and caressed her hair.

"Guess your boyfriend is so awesome he took down a dragon." I said and smiled. Edolas Erza looked at me surprised but then focused her attention on Edolas (Y/N)

"I knew you could do it." She said and smiled. Then, we noticed the magic being sucked up, probably by anima. I hugged my Erza as we saw our bodies shining and being lifted up.

"Make sure you take care of your Erza, Edolas (Y/N)!" I yelled and kissed my Erza on her cheek.

"The same I could say about you Earthland (Y/N)!" Edolas (Y/N) yelled and kissed his Erza as well.

"Thank you" Edolas Erza said and hugged at Edolas (Y/N) tighter

"I wish you well Erza" My Erza said and we returned back to our world.






We finally returned to our world. However, it was raining. We also noticed that the exceeds were transported to our world. Then, their queen explained how she had seen the future and had sent all the children to our world to survive. After that, all the exceeds left, claiming that their mission was to find all the 100 babies that were sent to this world. However, one remained. It was the same one that helped me out. It was a small ginger exceed with three black stripes on his forehead. He wore a light green jacket and dark blue pants.

"I'm Martin!" He said and smiled.

"Thanks for before. You were a huge help." I said and smiled. "I'm (Y/N)"


"Joke's on you I have one." I said and smirked. Then looked at Martin. He smiled. Then Erza walked up to me.

"And that's my girlfriend, Erza Scarlet" I said and smiled. Marin greeted her. Just then, Gajeel's cat said that he caught someone suspicious. Then, Lisanna showed up. We all gasped unable to believe that it was really her. But then she explained how she was sucked by anima and ended up in Edolas because the Edolas Lisanna had died. Then, she run and hugged Natsu and Happy. After that, we took Lisanna to the cemetery where Mirajane and Elfman were paying their respects. It was a touching reunion. I wrapped my arm around Erza's shoulder and she leaned on me with a smile. Then, we headed to the guild. Everyone welcomed Lisanna happily. Even a party was thrown. I however decided to go home. Erza looked at me surprised and followed me.

"Aren't you going to stay? It's a party." She asked surprised.

"My body is not in a condition to party right now." I said and smiled. "My wound from the battle with the dark dragon reopened" I added and laughed awkwardly. I had told Martin to stay with the rest of the guild but he wanted to come with me.

"You will probably need help with the bandages." Erza said and walked next to me. I gulped. The last time Erza bandaged someone he ended up with more wounds than he had before... I just sighed and went along. We walked into my house and I took my shirt off, or at least what was left of it and took a quick shower. When I walked out of the bathroom Erza was waiting me with bandages on her hand.

"I still can't believe you kissed Knightwalker though" She said irritated. "Kiss another woman again and I'll break your neck do you understand?" She added. Martin looked at her scared.

"Deal" I said as I approached her and hugged her. She then started bandaging my body. After she was done, she returned to the guild to catch up with Lisanna.

"She's scary." Martin said before he left with Erza. I just nodded.

I sighed and fell onto the bed. I had consumed way too many crystals to be able to fight so I didn't feel quite well. I founded it even hard to breath. Soon enough, I drifted off.

The Dragon who liked Strawberries (Erza x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now