Tower of Heaven

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We finally arrived on the Tower. However, I decided that it would have been wiser if we split up. Juvia told us that she had found and underwater passage we could use. So, I offered to be the distraction who would barge in from the front door. I told them to find Happy first and then Erza, because she would have been the most heavily guarded. I crystalized my entire body and broke the front door. Soon enough, I was surrounded by guards

CRYSTAL DRAGON DUAL SWORDS I said and two huge light pink identical swords with white linings formed in my hands. I started slashing everyone until there was only one left. I approached him and looked at him angrily

"Where is Erza Scarlet? And what is Jellal planning on doing with her?" I said angrily as I brought my sword to his neck. He looked at me terrified and begged me not to kill him.

"ANSWER ME" I ordered him once again. Then he started talking. However, when he got to the part where Jellal was going to sacrifice Erza, my heart dropped and the fear of losing her took over my body. I looked at him pissed.

"Please don't kill me I told you everything I know!" He begged with tears in his eyes. I dematerialized my swords and started running towards the direction he pointed. However, more emenies appeared. They attacked me at the same time, however I jumped up and took a deep breath.

CRYSTAL DRAGON'S ROAR I said and a huge tornado with small sharp crystal shards was released from my mouth, destroying the floor as well. However, four guards had somehow managed to dodge my attack. I kicked the first two of them with my crystalized legs. I soon grabbed the third one and threw him on the hole I had created. I looked at the last one and punched, sending him through the wall. I took a deep breath and turned back to normal. Just as the smoke cleared my eyes landed on my favorite red head. I run and hugged her, ignoring the rest of the team who were watching us.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I tighted my hand around her waist.

"Yes." She said. "But you all have to leave. This is my problem."

"It's not like that. They kidnapped Happy, so it's our problem as well now." Natsu said determined. Then,Erza started talking about the R-system, while mentioning her past at the same time. The rest of the team looked at her horrified when she finished. Eza noticed their faces and looked down, as a tear escaped her left eye. I noticed that and hugged her again as I swiped her tear away.

"You should not be ashamed of your past. Because of it, you are who you are now." I said and smiled.

"This is why, I have to deal with Jellal on my own. This is why this is my problem." She said and looked at us after breaking the hug.

"I promised you didn't I. Just before I left. I'd be there to finish that battle with you." I said determined and kept looking at her.

"About that, why do the others consider you a traitor though? You haven't done anything wrong." Lucy asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" I answered irritated. "This Jellal guy probably made up some kind of lie to trick the others as well. I'll crush him." I whispered the last phrase. Erza just looked at me and nodded. Just then we heard light sobs. I looked behind me ready to attack when Sho walked into the room. He apologized to Erza and decided to help us stop Jellal. Soon after, the guy with the eyepatch appeared as well and told us that he knew everything about Jellal's lies.

"Come on, we have a bad guy to catch." I said and smiled. Erza looked at me and nodded.

"What about Happy? I'm going to go look for him." Natsu said and took off.

"Natsu wait!" I yelled but he had already disappeared. Just then we heard a voice.

????: You have done well! However, now it's time to begin a new game! The Paradise Game.

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